vi30/40 Dual Cooled QSG Version 2.1
Firestar™ vi30/40 Dual Cooled Laser Quick Start Guide
The OEM vi30/40 laser requires a DC power supply capable of providing 48 VDC at minimum (12 A (vi30) 20A
(vi40) peak for less than 1 ms). To connect the vi30/40 laser to a 48 VDC power supply, perform the following
Verify your laser power to ensure output is consistant with the rating of your particular model.
If the laser has a Diode Pointer installed, remove its aperture dust cover.
Assure the red self-adhesive aperture seal has been removed from the laser’s faceplate.
Verify that input AC power to the DC power supply is physically locked out or disconnected.
Place an appropriate beam block 61cm (24 in) from the laser aperture, in this case a power meter,
(such as SYNRAD® PW-250 Power Wizard
) to verify that output power is consistent with the power
rating for your particular model. Beam block prevents the beam from traveling beyond the work
Initial startup of your OEM vi30/40 laser:
If using water for cooling, see the laser’s Operation Manual for specifications, review the
water cooling sections within this guide and the laser’s operation manual.
You will need to provide a tickle signal and a pulse width modulated (PWM) Command signal to
the laser’s CTRL input connector. Refer to Controlling laser power in the Technical Reference chap-
ter in your
for tickle and PWM Command signal descriptions.
When performing the initial start-up sequence, check that the factory-installed DB-9 jump-
er plug is installed. If not, you must provide the required Remote Interlock and Remote
Keyswitch signals to the DB-9 Connector. See the laser’s Operation Manual for DB-9 connec-
tions, pinouts and signal descriptions.
Ensure that
all personnel in the area are wearing protective eye-wear!
The laser’s control board does not incorporate a built-in tickle generator nor the applied PWM signals. If
you are not using a SYNRAD
UC-2000 Universal Laser Controller to operate the laser, you must provide a
5 kHz, 1 µs tickle pulse between applied PWM signals. ‘See Controlling laser power’ in the laser’s Operation
Manual Technical Reference chapter for tickle signal descriptions.
Ensure your controller is set to provide a 1 µs square wave tickle pulse at a frequency of 5 kHz
during any 200-µs measurement period where a PWM signal is not applied.
Connect the output of your PWM controller to PWM Positive (Pin 1) on the laser’s DB-9 I/O connec-
tor and connect the ground or return of the Controller to PWM Negative (Pin 6). Reference the la-
ser’s Operation Manual Technical Reference section for DB-9 connections. See the following figure.