CoolSmart TV
PB 24CF, PB 36CF, 564 25K, 564 35K, 3615HO
(sku# 98900778)
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17602034- 12/13/21
© Travis Industries, Inc.
CoolSmart TV Installation (36CF, 564 25K, 3615HO)
1 Remove the grill from the manifold (2 screws hold it in place).
2 Remove the rear-mounting brackets by loosening 1/4" screws and sliding it out of the keyhole slots.
3 Determine the desired location of the bottom of the convection air outlet. Install a horizontal framing
member at the desired height, parallel to the header. Install a second horizontal framing member 3-3/4”
above the first. These two framing members will support the upper convection manifold in the following
4 Hold the upper convection manifold with the outlet facing the back of the framing members installed in the
previous step. Tilt the outlet of the manifold downward until the outlet of the manifold and the two
mounting tabs can fit between to two framing members. Slide the outlet into the gap and allow it to sit
level again. The two mounting tabs will support the manifold.