Audio Command Center Series Manual —
P/N 51889:E1 6/8/2010
Operating Instructions
General Page Using Optional Remote Microphone
Pressing the remote microphone push-to-talk switch will direct paging audio to all speaker circuits
on the Zone Page Module. Refer to Section “All-Call General Page Using Optional Remote Micro-
phone” on page 73 for additional information.
General Page Using the Optional RPJ-F Remote Keyswitch via the Optional
Fire Fighter Telephone Module
Engaging the keyswitch on the remote RPJ-F will direct paging audio to all Zone Page Module
speaker circuits.
This is available with the ACC-25/50ZST only.
Emergency Page Using Local/Integral Microphone
Pressing the local microphone push-to-talk switch during an FACP activated alarm will interrupt
the tone/voice message and direct paging audio to non manually deactivated speaker circuits on the
Zone Page Module (ACC-ZPM). Emergency paging to non-FACP activated speaker circuits may
be performed by selecting the zone push-button and pressing the microphone push-to-talk switch.
The system will revert back to the tone/voice message if the microphone key is held for more than
3 minutes.
Emergency Page Using Optional Remote Microphone
Pressing the remote microphone push-to-talk switch during an FACP activated alarm will interrupt
the tone/voice message and direct paging audio to non manually deactivated speaker circuits. The
system will revert back to the tone/voice message if the remote microphone key is held for more
than 3 minutes.
Refer to Section “All-Call General Page Using Optional Remote Microphone” on
page 73 for additional information.
Emergency Page Using Optional RPJ-F Remote Keyswitch via the Optional
Fire Fighter Telephone Module
Engaging the keyswitch on the remote RPJ-F will interrupt the tone/voice message and direct pag-
ing audio to all non-manually deactivated Zone Page Module speaker circuits.
This is available
with the ACC-25/50ZST only.
4.5.11 Fire Fighter Telephone: ACC-25/50ZST Only
The ACC-25/50ZST provides a telephone interface for up to 24 remote FFT jack locations and per-
mits up to six (local phone handset plus five FHS-F remote phone handsets) simultaneous connec-
tions. Two available styles of remote FFT jacks are the FPJ-F and the RPJ-F, both providing a
standard audio plug interface for the FHS-F handsets. The RPJ-F also houses a keyswitch for
remote paging operations.
S3 switch 7 on the ACC-25/50ZST motherboard (ACC-MCB) must be
set to
Communication on the Telephone Loop
When a Fire Fighter plugs the handset into one of the remote FFT locations, a ring-back tone will
be heard at the remote location, the Answer Call LED will flash and the piezo will sound on the
ACC-FFT module located in the ACC-25/50ZST main panel. The user at the main panel can
answer the remote call by picking up the local handset and pressing the Answer Call pushbutton,
which turns the Answer Call LED on steady and terminates the ringback tone. Both parties can
now converse by depressing the respective push-to-talk switch on the handsets.
Additional handsets (up to 4 more) can plug-in and converse in a party-line format. Proper termi-
nation of communication requires that all remote jacks be unplugged and that the Answer Call
pushbutton be pressed. If this procedure is not followed, a system fault condition will occur.