w w w . f i n g e r t e c . c o m
w w w . f i n g e r t e c . c o m
User Guide
Fingerprint Scanner
Scans and sends
fingerprint template to
the master terminal for
LED Light Indicator
The red light indicates that the verification
process has failed. The green light indicates
that the fingerprint or card information is
being read and sent to the master terminal
for verification.
© 2019-2020 Timetec Computing Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved • 072019
1. The R3c will only work with R3 (new and old), R2 (new and old), AC900, Q2i and H2i master terminals.
2. The R3c can share the 12VDC power supply with the master terminal.
3. It is recommended to use RS485 connection cables with a shielded twisted pair to achieve an optimum speed of data transfer.
4. Do not adjust the dip switch unless you are connecting the R3c with the Ingressus controller. If your R3c is unable to send any
ngerprint or card data to the master
terminal, please check the dip switch. Make sure it is set to the default settings as highlighted.
Slave Fingerprint Access
Control Terminal
Card Scanning Area
This area reads and captures details of
the cards and sends the information to
the master terminal for verification. The
default card technology is RFID, Mifare
card technology is available upon
Dip Switch Settings
Rear of R3c Terminal
Red – +12V
Black – GND
*Yellow – RS 485+
*Purple – RS 485 -
Black - GND
Rear of Master
Blue – RS 485+
Yellow – RS 485 -
Black - GND
12VDC power