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General InformatIon
The purpose of this manual is to assist you in operating and
maintaining your lawn and garden sprayer. Please read
it carefully as it furnishes information which will help you
achieve years of dependable trouble free operation.
moDel: tr-30-eX
30 Gallon, 12 Volt lawn & GarDen Sprayer
Assembly / OPerATiOn insTrucTiOns / PArTs
your authorized dealer is the best source of replacement
parts and service. To obtain prompt, efficient service, always
remember to give the following information:
1. correct part description and part number.
2. model number of your sprayer.
3. serial number of your sprayer.
Part description and part numbers can be obtained from the
illustrated parts list section of this manual.
Whenever you need parts or repair service, contact your
distributor / dealer first. For warranty work always take your
original sales slip, or other evidence of purchase date, to
your distributor / dealer.
technIcal SpecIfIcatIonS
• Low Profile Trailer and Tank
• 30 Gallon Polyethylene Tank
• 4.10/3.50 x 6 Pneumatic Tires
• 12 Volt Diaphragm Pump
• 2.1 G.P.M.
• Pressure Gauge
• Adjustable Pressure Range (0-60 PSI Max.)
• Boom-2 Nozzles, 80” Coverage
• Lever Handgun
• 15 ft. (3/8” - 1 Brd.) Hose
aSSembly InStructIonS
The sprayer is partially assembled at the factory. Follow the
instructions below to complete the assembly of this unit.
1. Attach the hitch brackets, both formed and flat, to the trailer
frame as shown in the exploded view drawing.
2. The boom brackets are attached with only (2) bolts. Re-
move the other (2) bolts from the boom brackets. Loosen
the bolts which are holding the boom brackets in place.
Then rotate the boom brackets so the other (2) bolts can be
1000 FIMCO LANE • P.O. BOX 1700 • NO. SIOUX CITY, SD 57049
TOLL FREE: 800-831-0027 • TOLL FREE FAX: 800-494-0440
Form No. 1325 (5004818 3/08)
Printed In U.S.A.
w w w . F I M C O I N D U S T R I E S . C O M
warranty / partS / SerVIce
Products are warranted for one year from date of purchase
against manufacturer or workmanship defects.
Do not uSe pump In an eXploSIVe
enVIronment. Do not uSe to pump
flammable fluIDS, GaSolIne,
KeroSene fuel, oIl, etc.
before returnInG thIS proDuct
for any reaSon, pleaSe call
If you ShoulD haVe a QueStIon or
eXperIence a problem wIth your
fImco InDuStrIeS proDuct:
before you call, pleaSe haVe the
followInG InformatIon aVaIlable:
SaleS receIpt & moDel number. In moSt
caSeS, a fImco InDuStrIeS employee can
reSolVe the problem oVer the phone.