Disinserire il connettore di alimentazione della macchina e collegare il
Remove the power supply connector of the machine and connect the
battery charger.
Quitar el conector de alimentación de la máquina y conectar el
cargador de baterias.
Detacher le connecteur d’alimentation de la machine et brancher le
chargeur des batteries.
Den Ladestecker der Maschine abschalten und mit dem Ladegeraet
Battery charging sequence label (versions without Battery Charger):
Located near the steering column, indicating the sequence to perform to recharge the batteries correctly.
Caricare la batteria solamente quando il display o le spie sul
cruscotto indicano il livello zero. Il tempo di ricarica della batteria
deve essere di minimo 12 ore. Attendere sempre l’accensione del
led verde prima di considerare terminata la ricarica.
Charge the battery only when the display or the lights of the
instrument board indicate level zero. Charge time of the battery
must be at least 12 hours. Always wait for the switching on of the
green led, only then the recharge has been completed.
Cargar la batería solamente cuando el señal baterías y las luces
pilotos sobre el tablero de instrumentos indican el nivel cero. El
tiempo de carga de la batería será de 12 horas como mínimo.
Esperar siempre el encendido de la led vierde antes que
considerar la recarga terminada.
Charger la batterie seulement quand le témoin de batterie ou la
lampe témoin sur le tableau de bord indiquent le niveau zéro. Le
temps de recharge de la batterie doit être au minimum de 12
heures. Attendre toujours l’allumage du led vert avant de
considérer la recharge terminée.
Die Batterie darf nur geladen werden, wenn die Batterie
Standsanzeige oder die Batteriekontrollleuchte den
Batteriestand von Null signalisiert. Die Ladezeit der Batterie muß
mindestens 12 Stunden betragen. Warten Sie immer bis die
Anzeige grün aufleuchtet, erst dann ist die Ladung vollständing
Warning label to read the user manual of the battery charger (versions with Battery charger):
Applied in the vicinity of the steering column indicating to read the user manual of the battery charger. Also indicates to pay
attention to when to perform the charging cycle and how long it should last.
- Pulire sempre il filtro del serbatoio soluzione dopo ogni uso.
- Clean the solution tank filter after every use.
- Limpiar el filtro del tanque solución después de cada uso.
- Nettoyer toujours le filtre du réservoir solution après chaque usage.
- Reinigungslösungstank immer nach jeder Benutzung säubern.
Water system filter maintenance label:
Applied near the water system filter to remind the user to clean it after each work cycle.
È fatto assoluto divieto di aspirare/raccogliere con questo
apparecchio polveri e/o liquidi infiammabili e/o esplosivi
o particelle incandescenti.
It is absolutely forbidden to suck/pick up inflammable
and/or explosive liquid and/or solid substances or aflame
particles with this machine.
Queda terminantemente prohibido aspirar/recoger con
esta maquina polvo y/o líquidos inflamables y/o
explosivos o partículas incandescentes.
Il est strictement interdit d'aspirer/ramasser avec cette
machine, poussières et/ou de liquides inflammables
et/ou particules explosives ou incandescentes.
Es ist streng verboten, um Staub und/oder brennbare
Flüssigkeiten, und/oder explosive oder glühende Partikel,
mit dieser Maschine zu saugen/sammeln
Warning label during battery charging:
Located near the steering column, listing the warnings to perform when recharging the batteries.
Do not go next to the
brush head while the brush
is moving.
Label indicating the need to read the Use and Maintenance Manual:
Used in the brush head body, and indicates the prohibition to approach the brush head while the brush is moving.
- Chiudere il rubinetto a fine lavoro
- Turn off the cock when operations are finished
- Cierrese el grifo al finalizar el trabajo
- Fermer le robinet a la fin du travail
- Den Hahn bei Arbeitsschluss schliessen
- Pulire giornalmente il tergipavimento e i filtri
- Clean the squeegee and the filters
- Limpiar a diario la boquilla de secado y los filtros
- Nettoyer le suceur et les filtres tous les jours
- Taegliche Reinigung des Saugfusses und der Filter
Visible daily maintenance label:
Applied near the steering column, indicating to tighten the machine's water tap after every work cycle and to clean the filters
and the squeegee.
Label indicating the need to read the Use and Maintenance Manual:
Applied in the vicinity of the steering column in order to remind the operator to read the user and maintenance manual before
using the machine.
Squeegee body working position symbol:
Applied to the steering column to indicate the squeegee control lever direction of rotation for bringing the squeegee to its
working position.
Squeegee body standby position symbol:
Applied to the steering column to indicate the squeegee control lever direction of rotation for bringing the squeegee to its
standby position.
Battery connection symbol:
Applied beneath the recovery tank to indicate how to connect the 6V or 12V batteries in order to obtain a total voltage of 24V.
Main switch symbol:
Applied to the control panel, positioned on the front of the machine, to indicate the main switch.