+44 (0)115 986 8875
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1 Central Park, Lenton Lane, Nottingham, NG7 2NR
Registered in England No: 03969985 VAT No: 760 821 731
Certification No. UK002838
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High-Pressure Device (HP)
The high-pressure device allows the portable analyser to sample directly from a high-pressure line
with a maximum allowable inlet pressure of 350 bar, reducing this down to 2.5 bar at the outlet. It
has a working viscosity range of 1-300 cSt.
The High-Pressure Device can be purchased
separately and used with existing units by
connecting it to the end of the suction tubing.
While the High-Pressure Device feeds the
portable analyser with fluid pressurised to 2.5
bar, the pump must be switched on to maintain a steady flowrate.
Fluid passing out of the discharge/outlet tube should be fed into a suitably sized sample container for
disposal or emptying back into the fluid reservoir.