Festo — MSE6-E2M — 2022-08d
2. Set the parameters for the automatic blocking function.
Additional tolerances and safety additions must be taken into account during parameterisation.
The module must be in the pressurise state for the parameters to take effect. Otherwise the
previously set values apply.
Control bit auto blocking, bit 1 in the output word Am.0 module control, should be deactivated
Auto blocking delay parameter.
Set the parameter higher than the actual pause time in order to avoid accidental advance
blocking in the upper example values, for example, to 10 min.
Auto blocking low flow limit value parameter.
The parameter must be higher than the maximum flow rate at rest but lower than the minimum
flow in production operation.
In the example, it could be set between 90 and 240 l/min.
3. Activate automatic blocking function.
The control bit auto blocking, bit 1 in the output word Am.0 module control, must be set. After
the set time, if there is an underrun of the flow rate limit value, the module should switch to the
blocking state.
4. After automatic blocking switch the module back to the pressurise state.
The module has switched automatically to the blocking state (shut-off valve closed: status bit
shut-off valve Em.3.0 = 1 and Em.3.4 + Em.3.5 = 2 (UP)).
The control bit blocking, B0 in the output word module control, must remain deactivated.
Positive signal edge on control bit B2 in the output word module control, automatic blocking
function remains active
Deactivate the automatic blocking function by resetting the control bit 1 in the output word
module control; the automatic blocking function may subsequently need to be reactivated.
5. Check the set values over multiple production cycles.
Changes to system parameters can lead to a change in the determined production data.
• Check whether the system parameters are still valid.
Example of pressure drop monitoring
Every system must be set individually. The sample values are only intended as general orientation.
Recommended procedure for determining the value for the upper limit pressure change parameter
1. Switch the energy efficiency module to the pressurise state.