Safety and requirements for product use
Festo – MPAC-VI-EN – 2017-12a – English
Safety and requirements for product use
General safety instructions
Damage to the product due to incorrect handling.
Switch off the supply voltage before mounting and installation work. Only switch on
the supply voltage when mounting and installation work is completely finished.
Never unplug or plug in a product when it is energised!
Observe the handling specifications for electrostatically sensitive devices.
Intended use
The valve terminal is suitable for the food and packaging industry. It fulfils the requirements for
the splash zone in accordance with EN 1672-2:2009-07.
The valve terminal is intended for installation in machines or automated systems and may be used only
as follows:
– in a faultless technical condition,
– in its original state without unauthorised modifications; only the conversions or modifications de
scribed in the documentation supplied with the product are permitted,
– within the limits of the product defined by the technical data (
– in an industrial environment.
If used together with additional commercially available components, such as actuators, the specified
limits for pressures, temperatures, electrical data, torques etc. must be observed.
In the event of damage caused by unauthorised manipulation or other than intended
use, the guarantee is invalidated and the manufacturer is not liable for damages.