Risk of injury due to unexpected movement of components.
Bring moving parts of the connected mechanical system into a secure position (e.g. move into the
lower end position).
Fig. 4 Mounting the axis
A warped attachment component bends the slide and shortens the service life of the guide.
Use an attachment component with a flat surface and ensure evenness.
Fig. 5 Use an even attachment component
1. Place the axis on the attachment surface:
Evenness of attachment surface: 0.01 mm.
Prevent collisions of the cantilever and tool with attachments. In vertical cantilever operation,
the load should preferably be mounted directly under the centre of the guide.
Keep the tilt moment resulting from the force (parallel to the axis of movement) and lever arm
as small as possible.
2. Fasten the axis with centring sleeves and screws to all threads
3. Tighten the screws.
Festo — ELCC-TB-KF — 2018-05