54 Stonedon Drive
East Tamaki
PO Box 58 776
ph 09 273 9191
fax 09 273 9194
Sun BU112 Diesel Burner
Tuning and Maintenance Guide
FERROLI - SUN Diesel burner maintenance guide
Every third fill: Biocide tank treatment & water removal
Diesel fuel contains fungal & bacterial agents which flourish with moisture. It is very important
to drain condensation out of the diesel tank to prevent the agents from growing. Every third
fill we recommend dosing the diesel tank with Fuel Biocide BC-250, 1 litre of biocide treats
1000L of fuel. If a tank gets a full blown infection it is necessary to drain & clean the tank
before refilling with clean diesel.
Annual service & clean:
Replace Oil nozzle: Oil nozzles have a limited life & should be changed
annually to ensure efficiency & reliability. If the boiler is short cycling
it is a good opportunity to down size the nozzle. See step 2 of the
setup guide for instructions on selecting and changing the nozzle.
Replace drive key: The drive key is a plastic interface between the fan motor & diesel gear
pump. This is a sacrificial part which prevents the motor from burning out if the gear pump
seizes. This part wears with every start-up and should be changed annually for reliability. Re-
move the gear pump by loosening the three fixing allen keys and removing the oil line.
Inhibitor: Underfloor systems should be dosed with inhibitor annually to prevent corrosion
Drive key