MVA 02 rev 5 - December 2017
43 of 120
Fan lifting instructions
Lifting version 1-9-12 axial fans
Lifting operations must be carried out by qualified personnel, suitably trained in the use of the equipment and
equipped with the correct PPE for protection against blows and/or falling objects. Version 1 fans are supplied
without motor. Version 9 fans are supplied with the motor supported by the casing. Version 12 fans have the
motor fixed to the base. To lift them, the specific holes provided in the structure must be used (as shown in
Fig. 4-1, Fig. 4-2, and Fig. 4-3). These holes are located on opposite sides above the centre of gravity, and
are indicated by specific symbols.
In this case it is advisable to use a chain sling with two arms, the choice of which by the user must be
compatible with the weight of the fan. In particular, the user must ensure that the weight load limit (WLL) of
the sling is equal to or greater than the load to be lifted.
Slings with several arms (3 or 4) used with a number of arms that is less than the total number of arms
composing the sling must be used with a lower WLL than the WLL marked on the sling, applying the factors
indicated by standard UNI EN ISO 818-6 - A.1.3.7. It is advisable for unused arms to be gathered and
hooked together, to reduce the risk of them swinging freely or being caught up during movement of the load.
Every time that a sling is used, it must be inspected beforehand for possible damage or evident signs of
To connect the sling to the load, it is preferable to use the method with straight arms. In this case, the lower
ends are connected directly to the attachment point. The hooks must be chosen so as to ensure that the load
settles at the centre of the hook, preventing the tip of the hook from being loaded. The hook tips must also
be oriented outwards, unless the hooks have been specifically designed for being used otherwise.
Before operating the lifting equipment, it is advisable to check that the load is free to move, and that it is not
blocked by connection components or other obstacles to movement.
It is advisable to keep the hands and other body parts away from the chains, to prevent injuries when they
are put under load. When lifting operations are ready to start, any slack must be taken up before lifting itself
can start. The load must be lifted slowly, checking that it is firmly secured and that it moves into the required
position. Reference must also be made to standard ISO 12480-1 to plan and manage lifting operations and
to ensure that a safe working system is used.
Fig. 4-1 Example of lifting version 1 axial fans