© Ferno-Washington, Inc. / 234-3449-08 / November 2017
Using the Features
4.5 Stretcher Slam Latches
The slam latches (Figure 6) capture and secure the
stretcher on the transporter.
Transporter center.
Use: To engage the latches, roll the stretcher into the slam latches
until the locks engage. To disengage, the Control Operator pushes
the stretcher-lock release lever at the control end of the transporter
See “Stretcher Release Lever” on page 10.
4.7 Transport Wheels
Two versions of the 6-inch (152 mm) transport wheel are available: an
open tri-spoke wheel, and a solid conductive wheel (Figure 8).
If the transporter is equipped with solid wheels, two of the four transport
wheels (one at each end of the transporter) are conductive, allowing
static electricity to dissipate and ground the cot. Each conductive wheel
is marked with a small yellow spot on the side of the wheel. Transporter
wheels with spokes do not have this feature.
The function of the wheel versions is identical, other than the
conductivity feature. To order a set of conductive wheels, contact
Ferno or your Ferno distributor. See “Parts, Service, and Accessories”
Figure 6 - Stretcher Slam Latches
Slam Latch (2)
Figure 8 - Conductive Wheel (Left)
and Wheel with Spokes (Right)
Yellow Spot
4.6 Wheel Locks
Aid for keeping the transporter from rolling during
patient transfer and certain medical procedures
Control-end wheels
To engage, press the lock lever on top of the caster (Figure 7).
To disengage, lift the lever up with your toe.
Figure 7 - Wheel Lock