© Ferno-Washington, Inc. / 234-3480-06 / November 2017
6.6 Loading the Cot
Loading the cot into an ambulance with a patient on it requires a
of two trained operators who are communicating, working
together, and maintaining control of the cot at all times.
Use additional help as needed when working with heavy loads
(patient and equipment). See “Using Additional Help” on page 7.
1. If the ambulance has a folding tray, lower the ramp.
Both Operatorse:
Raise the cot to Bed Position 6 (the highest
position) and verify that the loading-end swivel casters are locked
so they will not swivel during loading.
Loading-end Operatore:
Stand at the side of the cot, grasp the
main frame, and assist the Control-end Operator in loading the
cot into the ambulance.
Control-end Operatore:
Grasp the cot main frame using an
underhand (palms up) grip and begin pushing the cot into the
ambulance. Roll the cot forward until both loading wheels are
on the patient compartment floor (or tray) and the loading-end
legs contact the bumper. The loading-end legs will automatically
begin to fold (Figure 32 and 33).
If the cot is equipped with the Smart-Load™ automatic control-end
leg release, the Control-end Operator may choose to grasp the cot frame or
telescoping handles to push the cot into the ambulance.
Both Operatorse:
Before the rear legs contact the ambulance
bumper, support and balance the remaining weight of the cot,
patient and equipment.
Control-end Operatore:
Cot WITHOUT Smart-Load™ control-end leg releasee:
the control-end leg control handle to unlock the control-end
legs. Continue pushing the cot into the ambulance.
Cot WITH Smart-Load™ control-end leg releasee:
The control-
end legs will automatically unlock and begin to fold after the
loading-end legs have folded. Continue pushing the cot into
the ambulance.
Either Operatore:
Secure the cot in a Ferno fastening system. Fold
the folding tray ramp if needed.
Using the Cot
Talk to the Patient
Communicate before making changes to
the cot height, and during the loading and
unloading procedures.
Loading Wheels On
Ambulance Floor