© Ferno Washington Italia ScoopExl - Rel.161115 - ENG
SCOOP EXL Stretcher
Figure 26 - Applying the first chest strap
Figure 27 - Applying the second chest strap
Figure 28 - Adjusting the thoracic restraints
Attach the hook of the first chest restraint to pin 9 (left side as viewed by the operator). Pass the restraint over the shoulder
and onto the patient's chest, then attach the second hook on the opposite side (right side relative to the operator) to pin 4
(Figure 25). Depending on the patient's size, you can proceed with attaching to pin 3 or 4.
2. Attach the hook of the second chest restraint to pin 2 (right side relative to the operator). Pass the restraint over the
shoulder and onto the patient's chest, then attach the second hook on the opposite side (right side relative to the operator)
to pin 4 (Figure 25). Depending on the patient's size, you can proceed with attaching to pin 7 or 8.
3. Adjust the tension of the restraints properly so as not to create unwanted stress to the patient.
Using the Stretcher