© Ferno-Washington, Inc. / 234-3411-02 / September 2016
Model 35A-NM
1.7 MR Conditional
Testing and Compliance
The Ferno
Model 35A-NM cot has been tested and is listed
as “MR Conditional”.
A product that is Magnetic-Resonance Conditional (called
MR Conditional in this manual and on product labeling)
has been shown to pose no hazards in a specified MR
environment under listed conditions.
The Ferno
Model 35A-NM cot has undergone testing and
has been determined to be MR Conditional. In general, the
cot is intended for use under the conditions listed here:
Static magnetic field of 3-Tesla or less
Spatial gradient magnetic field of 720-Gauss/cm
or less
Inside the MR environment (e.g., in the MR system
room, close to the scanner)
The cot is not designed or designated for use directly
inside the MR system (e.g., inside the bore of the scanner).
Magnetic-Resonance Rating Label
Safety Information
Ferno adheres to the ASTM International classification and
definitions found in the following document:
The American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) International, Designation: F2503-05,
Standard Practice for Marking Medical Devices and
Other Items for Safety in the Magnetic Resonance
[Published August, 2005]
Non-clinical magnetic field interaction testing has been
conducted by an independent, third-party testing service.
ASTM Contact Information
ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
P.O. Box C700
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA
Internet: www.astm.org