1. The size and position of the black mark detector must be as shown in figure above. The
misalignment between the paper edge and a black mark must be 0.5 mm or less.
2. The reflecting rate of the black mark must be 10% or less, and the reflecting rate of the
white be 75% or less. The reflecting rate means the value which is measured with
Macbeth density meter (PCMII) D filter.
3. The black mark may be replaced by a hole in the paper.
When an error occurs, the printer visually notifies its type through the LED. This fact allows the
final user to have a direct and visual reference of the current printer status.
On the other hand, the printer status and all its possible errors can also be monitored via software
through the “DEL EOT n” command or activating the automatic status reporting “GS a n” command. In
this way, the application developer can have more complete information on the printer status, therefore
being able to act accordingly.
FENIX recommends that developers include in their applications a flow chart like the one shown
below, to have monitored the printer.
Flowchart for error detection.
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