I/O and Terminal Block Cards
Federal Signal www.fedsig.com
3.6 Monitored Input Module (P-MONIC-G)
The Monitored Input module is one of several I/O modules designed specifically for
integration into the PAGASYS GEN II system. (See Figure 26.) These I/O modules use a
standard control interface, which greatly simplifies the internal wiring of the cabinets.
The Monitored Input module provides 16 electrically isolated (voltage-free contacts
fitted with biasing resistors) monitored inputs for the PAGASYS GEN II system. Typical
examples of equipment having voltage-free contacts that require monitoring are an oil
platform’s fire and gas interface or remote microphone station PTT switch.
The P-MONIC-G provides the following functions:
• 16 independently configurable monitored inputs
• 16 green input status indicator LEDs
• 16 yellow input fault indicator LEDs
• PAGASYS GEN II I/O Bus interface
• 6-bit I/O Bus-address allocating dip switch
• In-circuit programming
• TTY serial port
Table 34 Monitored Input Circuits
Detect closed remote switches
Circuit terminated with 1 K
Detect open remote switches
Circuit terminated with 2 K
Detect circuit fault: open circuit
Circuit resistance > 3.82 K
Detect circuit fault: shorted circuit
Circuit resistance < 470 R
The circuits also provide an alarm status LED and a fault status LED for each monitored
input channel. The alarm status LEDs for each input is illuminated when the associated
remote switch is closed. The fault status LEDs for each input is illuminated when a fault
is detected on its associated external switch circuit.
: The service model for the Monitored Input module is K-P-MONIC-G.