and operation
C P C 3 0 7 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 2 2 F a s t w e l v . 0 0 6
SI:CX:DX = MAC-address.
The function returns the value stored in the FRAM MAC address field. The actual value, used by
the controller may be different if it has been overwritten directly into the registers of the controller
by the application software.
Verification of the checksum of the parameter array in FRAM.
Input: AL = 0Ah
Output: AX = checksum (0 - no error)
The function returns the value of the checksum of the parameters array in the FRAM.
Updating the checksum of the parameters array in FRAM.
Input: AL = 0Bh
Output: AX = result code (0
– no error)
The function recalculates and updates the checksum of all bytes of the parameter array in FRAM.
The function must be called after changing the parameters.
Reading user data from FRAM.
Input: AL = 0Ch
BX = Address of data beginning in the FRAM user area
CX = number of bytes to be read
DS:DX = indicator to read buffer
Output: AX = result code (0
– no error, -2 (0FFFEh) - parameter error, wrong address)
BX = Maximum address allowed (user area size-1)
CX = Number of actually read bytes
The function reads the specified bytes of the user FRAM area into the buffer of the calling program.
Writing user data to FRAM.
Input: AL = 0Dh
BX = Address of data beginning in the FRAM user area
CX = number of the bytes written
DS:DX = indicator to the data to be written
Output: AX = result code (0
– no error, -2 (0FFFEh) - parameter error, wrong address)
BX = Maximum address allowed (user area size-1)
CX = Number of bytes actually written
The function writes data to the user FRAM area
Reading flags of the test mode.
Input: AL = 0Eh
BX = 0ABCDh (key)
Output: AX = test mode flags
The function returns the value of the test mode flags:
bit 7: 0 = normal mode (bit values 0 -1 have no effect), 1 = test mode