Functional Description
C P B 9 0 2 U s e r M a n u a l
© 2 0 0 8 F a s t w e l v . 1 . 5 b E
Mounting on a Panel
It is possible to provide additional heat removal, when CPB902 is installed on a metallic mounting
panel using 9 mm high stud spacers. For better heat transfer results use thermal paste or heat-
conducting pad.
In case the additional heat dissipation is not needed, the stud spacers' height should be not less
than 10 mm.
To install CPB902 on a panel, it is recommended to use the CC902 mounting card cage.
It provides mechanical protection for CPB902 and its components, as well as easy accommodation
of a 2.5" HDD and PS902 power converter.