The installation location of the security door should meet the "installation
environment" standard.
Turn on the WTMD. It is on the stable floor, and self-checking for 1 minute.
The device alarms when people walk through it with metal objects, such as:
key. It does not alarm when people walk through without metal objects.
Combinate above two pointes, the WTMD is in the stable situation.
2. For avoiding influence from small metal objects, such as: ring,
key, buckle, leather shoes, etc. Adjust as followed steps:
Select a small metal object as a sample, such as: a bunch of keys.
Adjust sensitivity upward. Let one person carries the keys and walks through
the WTMD, and the WTMD alarms.
Adjust the sensitivity downward properly. Let a person carries the keys and
walks through the WTMD again. If the device still alarms, adjust the
sensitivity downward again till the alarm just disappear.
Note: After above adjustment, the metal object which smaller than sample will
not cause alarm and the metal object which bigger than sample will cause
People stand in line and walk through the gate one by one. The distance of the
first people from the gate is 50 centimeter.
Before walking through the gate, put metal objects, such as
key, mobile phone,
cigarette, coins on the desk, then walk through it. After checking, carry back
all objects.
People walk through the gate one by one. Don’t press, rish and amble. Don’t
knock the gate.
If there is alarm, after the alarm finished, the next people can walk through the
If there is alarm, means the people who walk through the gate carried metal
objects. For pointing the hidden place, you can use Hand Held Metal Detector
to scan the alarm zone of the body.
Some special occasions need ladies do not ware ornaments, such as: grips,
rings, necklaces, belts, bracelets, jeans (which have metal button), and so on.
(Note: Some companies can provide working clothes to laborers. The working
clothes without metal objects)
Trouble Shooting
1. The IR can not count
Find out whether the left and right gate panel be fixed on wrong side.
If transmitting or receiving terminal of IR module is abnormal, pls. check the
infrared-emitting diode and infrared-receiving diode, to find out whether they
are burnt out or poor contact. Or to find out whether the line is connected. And
pls. confirm you have plugged the Aviation plug properly.
Wrong alarming frequently
If the wrong alarm occurs frequently. Pls. check the environment. Leave
minimum 1.5m between your WTMD and big metal objects. Also, pls. avoid
strong wind. We suggest to adopt draught-proofing device, or replace
installation site where has no strong wind.
If the wrong alarm is not due to bad environment, pls. lower sensitivity of every
zone. If the wrong alarm still occurs frequently, pls. try followed steps.
Find out whether the voltage is normal. The normal working voltage is
110~240V. If less than 110V, the wrong alarm will occur. Method:
suggest buying an adjustable positive booster or an UPS backup power.
If the voltage is normal, pls. change the oscillator frequency.
If there is still problem of wrong alarming, we suggest replacing the
installation site.
System cannot start up
Please find out whether the voltage is normal. It voltage is lower than 90V, we
suggest buying an adjustable positive booster.