Operation Manual
FarSounder, Inc.
F31552 (Rev. 3.8.0)
Page 4 of 69
1. Installation of Shipboard Equipment
Before running the software, it is important that the equipment has been properly installed by the shipyard
or electronics integrator. This chapter summarizes the installation process and serves as a guide for the
ship operator for confirming proper installation.
To qualify for warranty coverage, the system must be commissioned by a certified FarSounder
technician. Installation and Commissioning must follow the guidelines in the latest version of
FarSounder's F31563 Navigation Sonar Commissioning Checklist.
Your sonar system consists of:
• Transducer Module
• Power Module
• Transducer Module Connection Cable
• SonaSoft™ software
Generally, the equipment is installed by the shipyard and/or electronics integrator.
1.1. Transducer Module Connection Cable
System installation begins with the Transducer Module Connection Cable. This cable is a custom designed
to connect a FarSounder Transducer Module to a FarSounder Power Module. The wet end connector can
be connected dry or underwater.
The wet end connector should not be left unconnected while wet or underwater for extended periods of
time. A wet end connector cap is shipped with the cable for use during extended periods of unconnected
wet or underwater use.
This documentation is given as a reference only. This cable is supplied by the Manufacturer and should
not be serviced by the end user.
Cable Specification
• Maximum Length: 100 feet (33 meters)
• Approximate OD: 0.8" (2 cm)
• Jacket Material: Water-proof, Low Temperature Polyurethane
• Minimum Bend Radius: 6" (15 cm)
Cable can be cut to length on location. It is recommended that at least 3 feet (1 meter) extra cable length
be coiled at the Power Module if cutting to length.
Running the Cable
The Transducer Module Cable should be run through a conduit from the Transducer Module to the Power
Module. Because the connector at the Transducer Module is molded onto the cable, it must be pulled