background image



For the diagram of the whole electrical system of

the vehicle, see page 85 (WIRING DIAGRAM).

If  you  do  not  have  the  knowledge  or  ability  to

understand  the  wiring  diagram,  it  is  better  to

consult  a 

!"#$%&' ()$)*

Dealer,  especially  if

any faults occur that necessitate working on the


It is difficult for the electrical system to be dam-


It is more likely that light bulbs may burn out and

therefore need replacing.


Maintenance-free  battery  (1)  is  installed  under

the seat into the airbox.

There is no need to check the level of the elec-

trolyte or top up with water.

Keep  the  battery  terminals  clean.  If  necessary,

protect them with a thin film of acid free grease.


Remove  seat  and  disconnect  the  negative

terminal and then the positive terminal from

the battery.

-  Remove the battery.

When reinstalling the battery, fit it with the ter-

minals facing outward (see figure) and connect

the  positive  and  then  the  negative  terminal  to

the battery.



The headlamp houses:

-  a position light bulb;

-  a dipped/full beam bulb.


-  Place the vehicle on the stand.

Release  the  four  lamp-bracket  flexible  sup-



Exercise extreme caution if, for any reason, the

electrolyte (sulphuric acid) should come out of

the battery.

The electrolyte can cause serious burns. In case

of  contact  with  the  skin,  rinse  abundantly  with

water. Should the electrolyte come into contact

with  the  eyes,  rinse  with  water  for  at  least  15

minutes  and  immediately  seek  medical  atten-

tion. Even though the battery is sealed, there is

a  possibility  that  explosive  gases  may  leak  out.



 Keep spent batteries out of the reach of

children  and  dispose  of  them  as  prescribed  by

law.  Do  not  remove  the  protections.  When  in-

stalling the battery.


If the vehicle is not going to be used for a long

time, remove the battery and charge it every 15

days using a suitable charger. Store the battery in

a dry place at a temperature of 5 to 35°C and out

of the reach of children.

Summary of Contents for 125 Series


Page 2: the contact with body parts clothes inflammable materials WARNING If necessary consult a FANTIC MOTOR dealer The technical information and specifications for maintenance contained in this handbook...

Page 3: ...27 1192 17 24A 2 7 B 17 Avviamento 17 Partenza 18 Uso cambio 19 Arresto motore 19 C 6 8 6 926 19 Scheda manutenzione periodica 20 Dati identificativi 22 Olio motore 22 Pressione e sostituzione pneuma...

Page 4: ...colo Per interventi di manutenzione ed eventuali ripa razioni opportuno rivolgersi ai nostri Conces sionari Autorizzati che garantiranno un servizio accurato e sollecito utilizzando sempre ricambi ori...

Page 5: ...5 Osservare scrupolosamente gli avvertimenti pre ceduti dalle seguenti simbologie Norme importanti di sicurezza per il vei colo e il conducente...

Page 6: ...e controllando che i livelli di carburante olio freni e liquido refrigerante siano sempre nei va lori prescritti Utilizzare solo lubrificanti e carburanti specifici per il veicolo del tipo riportato n...

Page 7: ...he ad appa recchiature elettriche si potrebbe verificare una pericolosa mancanza di corrente necessaria per il funzionamento dei dispositivi di segnalazione acustica e visiva L aggiunta di bagaglio ca...

Page 8: ...e indicatori direzione 6 Tappo serbatoio carburante 7 Serbatoio carburante 8 Vite registro regime minimo di giri motore 9 Batteria 10 Dispositivo avviamento a freddo 11 Filtro aria 12 Blocca sterzo 13...

Page 9: anteriore 22 Pulsante avviamento elettrico 23 Manopola acceleratore 24 Radiatore liquido refrigerante 25 Pompa freno posteriore 26 Tappo radiatore 27 Poggiapiede destro pilota 28 Pedale comando fre...

Page 10: ...4541 4 HA CA A INONPQ H F6 4 F L F 4C JA 4 R A S RR 4AHA M858T A L F6 S A F6 4 AL F A A4 A BU FA H 3 6789 4 HA CA A I F H F6 4 F L F 4C JA 4 R A S RR 4AHA FA F6 A4 L Q B5DL FA A A FA A B5D 4 A 1 FA H...

Page 11: ...1 3 0 12 0 0 0 6 0 678 1 1 0 0 6 0 678 1 3 0 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 678 1 3 0 12 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 678 1 1 0 1 0 0 678 1 3 0 12 0 1 0 1 0 6 0 678 1 1 0 1 0 6 1 0 678 0 12 0 1 0 0 12 0 1 6 01231 42 235 59...

Page 12: ...22 0 0 4 6 0 51 0 0 00 00 99 4 4 2 3 0 4 6 0 51 0 4 2 48 5 4 6 0 4 4 2 3 0 4 A67BB A 2 3 2 34 63 5 0 11 2 1 15 0 2 BCDC 6 2 2 E25 6 1 8 FG 6 H B8BDC 6 2 3 52 E25 6 1 8 FI 6 H8 A 2 0 33 6 1 1 3 1 2 0...

Page 13: ...5 0 22 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 ABCC A BCDEF 0 A G 5 6 0 G 6 0 3 01 2 03 0 5 22 99 12 01 2 5 0 22 12 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 ABCD 6 0 A BCH9 6 0 3 0 2 ABCC ABCD 01 2 03 2 5 0 9 E 6F G 22 99 9 H 01 2 5 0 0 E 6F I 2 G 210 2...

Page 14: ...loccasterzo Per bloccare lo sterzo mettere il veicolo sul ca valletto e successivamente girare il manubrio completamente verso destra Ruotare il coperchio di protezione Inserire la chiave nella serrat...

Page 15: ...llo vedere tabella relativa cap MANUTENZIONE Ruote e pneumatici pressione pneumatici vedere tabella relativa cap MANUTENZIONE usura battistrada pneumatici condizioni generali di pneumatici e ruote rim...

Page 16: ...rubinetto carburante su ON livello carburante chiusura tappo carburante eventuali perdite lungo il circuito carburante serbatoio carburante tubi carburante Cruscotto impostazione funzioni cruscotto se...

Page 17: ...e nella sollecitazione in entrambi i casi il motore e i componenti del veicolo ne risentirebbero Quando si percorrono strade di montagna stare attenti a non forzare motore freni e sospensioni E pi ada...

Page 18: ...neamente accellerare moderatamente Dopo aver fatto riscaldare il motore azionare la leva frizione ed inserire la 1 marcia pedale del cambio verso il basso si spegner la spia N po sta sul cruscotto 00...

Page 19: ...iquido freni liquido refrigerante Se non espressamente descritto per rimontare i gruppi che si sono smontati basta procedere in modo inverso alle operazioni di smontaggio Normalmente le operazioni di...

Page 20: ...K1 1 CKKC2C C C E F GG9E C CLB G 7 55 7 8 A M 8 5N 8 A 8 A 7 8 8 88 A 88 7 5 7 89 5 5 7 4O 5 4 5 7 88945 5 B G 7 u controllare e pulire regolare lubrificare se necessario v pulire w sostituire x regol...

Page 21: ...di scarico Olio motore e filtro olio Olio forcella e paraolio ogni 12000 km 7500 mi Ruote pneumatici e pressione di gonfiaggio Serraggio bulloneria Trasmissione finale catena corona pignone Tubazione...

Page 22: ...n occhi od orecchie sciac quare immediatamente le parti coinvolte con abbondante acqua recarsi con urgenza in un centro di primo soccorso indicando la causa e le modalit dell infortunio In caso di con...

Page 23: ...1 e l elemento filtro olio 2 Installare un nuovo O ring e montare il nuovo elemento filtro olio e il coperchio elemento filtro olio Controllare il filtrino olio motore qualora risulti sporco deve esse...

Page 24: ...i non sgon fiate i pneumatici per raggiungere i valori indicati validi per temperatura ambiente la pressione pneumatici risulterebbe insufficiente NOTA Possibilmente usare sempre lo stesso manometro p...

Page 25: ...serita il veicolo tende ad avanzare in questo caso la frizione non stacca in partenza o durante la marcia al rilascio della leva frizione il motore aumenta il nu mero di giri in modo eccessivo e ritar...

Page 26: ...ti spogliarsi e lavarsi abbondantemente con acqua e sapone Cambiare gli indumenti sporchi provvedendo al pi presto al loro lavaggio Evitare lo spargimento e la fuoriuscita di carbu rante dal serbatoio...

Page 27: ...ausa ta dall acqua che si deposita sui dischi e sulle pa stiglie dei freni consigliato quindi se si ha lava to il veicolo di asciugarlo per bene Se si viaggia su strada bagnata durante la marcia proce...

Page 28: il dado 2 O 2 B 2 2 20 2 3 2 1 2 2 CHIDG QGMEIHFGHI Il serbatoio del liquido freni relativo al freno a disco posteriore posizionato sul lato destro del veicolo Periodicamente bene controllare il li...

Page 29: ...irezione perno ruota pinza per le pinze freno anteriori dall alto posteriormente per la pinza freno posteriore l usura oltre il limite del materiale d attrito com porta il contatto del supporto metall...

Page 30: ...a ghiera di registro Taratura standard 15 click da tutto chiuso Per ripristinare la taratura standard ruotare il registro in direzione sino alla posizione di tutto chiuso quindi tornare indietro degli...

Page 31: ...tura maggiore A BC Taratura standard tutto chiuso 6 click Per ripristinare la taratura standard ruotare la vite in senso orario quindi tornare indietro dei click sopracitati Per ottenere una frenatura...

Page 32: il gioco deve rima nere costante in tutte le fasi della rotazione della ruota I J 4 5 40 1 1 1 0 9 6 5 3 J 5 J 51 00 6 4 1 5 1 4 8 1 7 I 5 K 4 3 1 6 40 1 1 3 1 1 LM 6 33 4 1 1 5 9 7 1 01 1 1 J 51 0...

Page 33: ...28 PQR8 Non adoperare benzina o solventi infiammabili per il lavaggio del filtro per evitare possibili in cendi o esplosioni Per gli intervalli di manutenzione vedi pag 20 SCHEDE DI MANUTENZIONE PERIO...

Page 34: ...iarsi e lavarsi abbondantemente con acqua e sapone Sostituire gli indumenti sporchi provvedendo al pi presto al loro Evitare lo spargimento e la fuoriuscita di liquido refrigerante dal serbatoio a con...

Page 35: ...BE F G E 0 0 1 0 H G G B G H 0 G E 0 Per gli intervalli di manutenzione vedi pag 20 SCHEDE DI MANUTENZIONE PERIODICA alla voce Regime minimo di giri motore Per il controllo del regime minimo necessari...

Page 36: ...A 340 720 G17 20 80G8054 0F70 23720 A 34 20780A F 0F204 7 2340 E40532D 841170F70 2HH72B00C285 0 021 3 0 7 0F70 3 0 F4 7 2 70 32B048 378 0F48 3 0710 7178F3 I K L 0 Per questa operazione necessario che...

Page 37: ...sizionato come indicato in figura e col legare il polo negativo per ultimo alla batteria Se per qualsiasi motivo ci dovesse essere una fuoriuscita di elettrolita acido solforico dalla batteria si racc...

Page 38: ...lavato periodicamen te per mantenere in buono stato i suoi compo nenti Se il veicolo viene utilizzato nelle seguenti condi zioni consigliato un lavaggio pi frequente Zone marine o con clima caldo e u...

Page 39: ...sul veicolo inquanto rovinano le vernici opache Non applicare cera prottetiva sulle parti frenan ti dischi e pastiglie potrebbe compromettere il loro funzionamentone Non passarne sulla sel la potrebb...

Page 40: ...3 6 06 21 76 4416 3 6 1 1 606 1 1 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 16 36 2 5 36 2 5 36 2 5 36 2 5 36 2 5 36 2 5 A 1 16 31 A 36904 70 3 3 B C 31D 0 31 A 36904 70 3 3 B C 31D 0 31 A 36904 70 3 3 B C 31D 0 31...

Page 41: ...LUBRIlCANTI 1 0 00 1 1 6 A 6 A 6 A 6 A 6 A 6 A 1 0 00 B 0 A46 CD 9745 B 0 A46 CD 9745 B 0 A46 CD 9745 B 0 A46 CD 9745 B 0 A46 CD 9745 B 0 A46 CD 9745 E 1 0 F F B G E 1 0 F F B G E 1 0 F F B G E 1 0 F...

Page 42: ...A 76 B 3 689 C B 3 68 C A 7 6 B 3 689 C B 3 68 C 6 A 76 B 3 689 C B 3 68 C A 7 6 B 3 689 C B 3 68 C 6 A 76 B 3 689 C B 3 68 C 01 2 6 A 76 B 3 68 C B 3 689 C 6 A 76 B 3 68 C B 3 689 C 6 A 76 B 3 68 C...

Page 43: ......

Page 44: ...703 56 0 0 753 58 A35 B9 5 53C 58 Starting 58 Starting off 59 Using the gears 60 Stopping 60 820 5 2 5 60 Periodic maintenance chart 61 Identification data 63 Engine oil 63 Tyre inflation pressure ty...

Page 45: ...are parts 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 34 3 3 34 vehicles have a vehicle identi fication number V I N V I N V visible on the steering head tube When requesting original spare parts give this identification n...

Page 46: ...46 0 Scrupulously abide by the warnings preceded by the following symbols Important safety norms for the vehicle and the rider...

Page 47: ...he vehicle should always be kept in perfect condition checking that the fuel brake fluid and coolant are always within the recommended lev els Only use specific lubricants and fuels of the type indica...

Page 48: ...ot install or make changes to the electri cal equipment there could be a dangerous fail ure of current that is necessary for the acoustic and visual warning devices to work Loading luggage on the vehi...

Page 49: ...Beam diverter 4 Horn button 5 Indicator switch 6 Fuel filler cap 7 Fuel tank 8 Engine idling speed adjusting screw 9 Battery 10 Cold start device or choke 11 Air filter 12 Steering lock 13 Gear oil d...

Page 50: ...5 26 27 28 29 30 18 Fuel tap Spark plug Front brake lever Front brake fluid tank Electric start button Throttle control Coolant radiator Rear brake fluid tank Radiator cap Right footpeg Rear brake ped...

Page 51: ...GHG 34 74 HJ 34 74 56574 8 6 KLMLNO CA A 6 4 D A P D6 B P J858Q 6A 4AR H RA4 DA RH A P D6H R ST DA R 9 4 8 6 S UVKO CA A 6 4 D A P D6 B P W WH O S5CH OA A R A 4 S5C R 6A R 6 SRX BA A IA 1 DA R O S5C D...

Page 52: ...2 6 2 5 9 01 2 42 2 5 2 6 01 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 21 6 01 2 2 3 4 2 2 21 2 21 6 2 5 9 01 2 42 2 5 2 21 01 2 2 3 4 2 21 2 21 2 5 9 01 2 42 2 5 2 21 6 01 2 2 3 4 2 21 0 2 6 0 0 01 2 42 2 5 2 3 0 3 ABCBD 21 25...

Page 53: ...3 14 3 5 2 0 9 10 4 5 3 99 0 4 5 00 7A 2 0 10 7 2 0 10 7 B4139 10 C DD 117 4 7 7 A 3 A 0 B 0 73 CDEDAA 4 A 2 A 2 0 F G4 HI 73 4 0J 32 CCEDAA 4 32 A 2 0 F G4 HK 73 4 0J 4 27 7 8 0 70 A 7 4 73 2 L M 2 2...

Page 54: ...3 2 ABCDD 1 0 0 BCDE F G 68 26 96H 9 F6 2 CI101 68 J1 K 1 0 I101 68 J1 3 2 1 2 2 7 1 2 2 5 22 7 42 3 2 7 3 5 2 ABCDE 1 0 0 BCL 91 2 F23 7 5 8 9 27 ABCDD 2 ABCDE 3 2 1 2 2 1 56 2 G 256 5 1 2 2 3 5 2 G...

Page 55: ...k while the vehicle is running To lock the steering put the vehicle on the stand and then turn the handlebar fully to the right Turn the lock cover upwards Insert the key into the lock turn counter cl...

Page 56: ...correct level see relative table under MAINTENANCE Wheels and tyres tyre pressure see relative table under MAINTENANCE tyre tread for wear general state of tyres and wheels the tread for foreign matt...

Page 57: ...tap lever is in the ON position fuel level fuel cap closure for any leaks along the fuel circuit fuel tank fuel pipes Instrument panel instrument panel function settings if envisaged lights general o...

Page 58: ...s in both cases the engine and the vehicle parts would suffer When riding along mountain roads take care not to force the engine brakes and suspensions The vehicle is more suited to travelling along w...

Page 59: warmed up the engine use the clutch control lever and engage 1st gear gear lever downwards neutral indicator N on the in strument panel is not lit The vehicle is fitted with a cold start device or...

Page 60: ...described otherwise reassem ble units that have been disassembled by pro ceeding in the reverse order to the disassembly operations The user can normally carry out routine mainte nance work even thou...

Page 61: ...L3 9 7 5 3 3M 0 9 3 8 7 N 17 12 L 235 0 6 76 19 7 30O 9 17 6 4704 17 301 M 0 05 5 3 7 1 89 12 4 B 9 check and clean adjust lubricate if neces sary clean replace adjust FP 5 9 7 1 301 0 05 7 Q 01M 9 3...

Page 62: ...O 2 HM 32570A Rear shock absorber Carburettor Drive and control cables Wheel truing Steering headtube bearings and steering play Wheel bearings Brake disks Air filter General running of vehicle Braki...

Page 63: ...tact with eyes or ears rinse the affected parts immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice immediately first aid post indicating the cause and how the accident occurred After contact wit...

Page 64: ...the motor oil fill cap dipstick 1 the motor oil cap 2 the O ring 3 the spring 4 and the motor oil filter Completely drain the motor oil from the crank case 012 34025 6478 922 7 08 2 52 46 2 58 22 67...

Page 65: ...sure will be insufficient C if possible always use the same pressure gauge to check the pressure so as not to risk wrong values caused by the variability between different gauges If you note a loss of...

Page 66: ...essively and delays in transferring movement to the rear wheel the clutch binds and therefore slips Adjustment is made using the adjusting screw 1 located on the clutch connection to the han dlebar Th...

Page 67: ...clothes remove contaminated articles and wash immediately with plenty of water and soap Change the dirty clothes which must be washed as soon as possible Avoid fuel spilling or overflowing from the t...

Page 68: ...ase in braking power could be caused by water depositing on the disks and on the brake pads and it is therefore recommended that the vehicle be dried thoroughly after washing If trav elling on wet roa...

Page 69: ...brake fluid tank for the rear disk brake is lo cated on the right hand side of the vehicle It is a good thing to check the fluid level in the tank periodically and especially before setting off on lo...

Page 70: with consequent metallic noise and sparks flying from the caliper braking efficiency safety and completeness of the disk would thus be affected If the groove has disappeared friction material depth...

Page 71: ...for the number of clicks indicated above To obtain gentler braking turn the adjusting ring nut in the direction reverse the direction to obtain harder braking action 01 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 OPM 0 A fork is m...

Page 72: turn the adjust ing device anticlockwise and then turn back for the number of turns indicated above RB 2182 11 5 5 175647 For maintenance intervals see page 61 PERI ODIC MAINTENANCE CHARTS under Re...

Page 73: ...the slack must remain constant throughout the entire rotation of the wheel 1 2 4 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 4 4 2 2 42 648 2 4 4 4 G 8 1 2 4 6 4 1 3 0 2 HI 4 8 2 46 1 3 4 7 2 2 2 0 8 AGJKD LCB Using the relative w...

Page 74: ...risk of fire or ex plosion For the maintenance intervals see page 61 PE RIODIC MAINTENANCE CHARTS under Air filter Remove the saddle Unscrew and remove the screw shown in the picture below Unscrew an...

Page 75: ...thes remove contaminated articles and wash immediately with plenty of water and soap Change the dirty clothes which must be washed as soon as possible Avoid coolant spilling or overflowing from the ta...

Page 76: ...le down a few times I J do not adjust the air adjusting screw to avoid altering the mixture settings If necessary consult a Dealer Keihin CVK30 there is the risk of burns to the skin ONLY remove the c...

Page 77: ...cover tube 1 ensur ing that it has been inserted correctly Whenever the spark plug is changed check the pitch and the reach of the thread If the threaded part is too short carbon deposits will build...

Page 78: ...the positive and then the negative terminal to the battery 0 12 1 The headlamp houses a position light bulb a dipped full beam bulb 33 12 13 Place the vehicle on the stand Release the four lamp bracke...

Page 79: out of its seat Take out the position light bulb 1 and re place it with one of the same type GG HI J Do not tug on the electric cables to remove the bulb electric connector Remove the black rubber...

Page 80: the vehicle thoroughly and in particular the dirtiest parts Us ing a soft sponge for the bodywork wipe over the whole vehicle Rinse the vehicle thoroughly always using a low pressure water jet Dry...

Page 81: ...12 1 12 1 12 12 12 12 1 1 0 77 1 05 1 1 E 4 7 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 1A1 8 3 5 1 0B56 1 0B56 1 0B56 1 0B56 1 0B56 1 0B56 42 3 C071 7 D 0E4 69 C071 7 D 0E4 69 C071 7 D 0E4 69 C071 7 D 0E4 69 C071 7 D 0E4...

Page 82: ...15 CD 8614 AB3 15 CD 8614 AB3 15 CD 8614 AB3 15 CD 8614 AB3 15 CD 8614 AB3 15 CD 8614 A E A E A E A E A E A E 6 F B G3 3 2 3 F B G3 3 2 3 F B G3 3 2 3 F B G3 3 2 3 2 3 HIJ 3 2 2 2 K L5 3G 69 HIJ 3 2...

Page 83: ...84 9 A B A CB 0 0 1 2 3 D0ED0 4 B 499F 4 BC 00E 0 A 4 B 499F 4 BC D0ED0 4 B 499F 4 BC 00E 0 A 4 B 499F 4 BC D0ED0 4 B 499F 4 BC 00E 0 A 4 B 499F 4 BC 0 12 3 0E 0 4 B 499F 4 B C0EA0 A 4 B 499F 4 B 0E...

Page 84: ...84...

Page 85: ...85 0123 4 0 4 5 0 67 8 9 9 2 7 A B CDE FA AG A HE...

Page 86: ...3 0 5D 97 40E 100 D marrage 100 D part 101 Utilisation de la bo te de vitesse 102 Arr t 102 4 4 102 Fiche d entretien p riodique 103 Donn es d identification 105 Huile du moteur 105 Pression et rempla...

Page 87: ...service soign et rapide en utilisant toujours des pi ces d tach es d origine 0 3 0 1 2 304 4 45 Les v hicules sont pourvus d un num ro d identification du v hicule V I N visi ble sur le fourreau de d...

Page 88: ...88 Observer scrupuleusement les avertissements pr c d s des symboles suivants Normes de s curit importantes pour le v hicule et le conducteur...

Page 89: ...ant que les niveaux de carbu rant de l huile des freins et du liquide r frig rant soient toujours compris dans les valeurs prescrites N utiliser que des lubrifiants et des carburants sp cifiques pour...

Page 90: ...ssoires nepasinstallerniap porter de modifications aux appareils lectriques celapourraitentra nerunedangereusecoupurede courantn cessaireaufonctionnementdesdisposi tifs de signalisation sonore et visu...

Page 91: indicateurs de direction 6 Bouchon du r servoir de carburant 7 R servoir de carburant 8 Vis de r glage pour r gime minimum des tours du moteur 9 Batterie 10 Dispositif de d marrage froid 11 Filtre...

Page 92: ...rvoir de liquide du frein avant 22 Bouton de d marrage lectrique 23 Poign e de l acc l rateur 24 Radiateur du liquide r frig rant 25 Pompe du frein arri re 26 Bouchon du radiateur 27 Appui pieds droit...




Page 96: ...204v VA SAUTER AU 4 5 5 1 1 PPUYEZ SUR LA TOUCHE hC 42 4 4 5 4 1 MINUTES D SIR ES ANS CET EXEMPLE LE TEMPS R GLER EST CELLE DU 9 0 73 24 0 EFL 73 24 0 AINTENANT LE TEMPS A CHANG H 6 7 1 4 8 9 204v VO...

Page 97: ...du blocage de direction Pour bloquer la direction mettre le v hicule sur la b quille et tourner le guidon compl tement vers la droite Tourner le couvercle de protection Ins rerlacl danslaserrure lato...

Page 98: ...ENTRETIEN Roues et pneus pression des pneus voir tableau correspondant chap ENTRETIEN usure de la bande de roulement des pneus conditions g n rales des pneus et des roues retrait des corps trangers de...

Page 99: ...carburant sur ON niveau du carburant fermeture du bouchon du carburant ventuelles pertes le long du circuit du carburant r servoir carburant tuyaux carburant Tableau de bord configuration des fonctio...

Page 100: ...le moteur et les composants du v hicule en ressentiraient Lorsque sont parcourues des routes de monta gne faire attention ne pas forcer le moteur les freins et les suspensions Il est pr f rable de par...

Page 101: ...aphe suivant Ne pas main tenir enfonc e et viter d agir sur la p dale de d marrage lorsque le moteur est en marche Rel cher graduellement l embrayage tout en ac c l rant mod r ment Apr s avoir fait ch...

Page 102: ...t d mont s ilsuffit de proc der de mani re inverse aux op rations de d montage En g n ral les op rations d entretien ordinaire peuvent treeffectu sparl usagerm mesiparfois ellesn cessitentd quipement...

Page 103: ...4 8 68 E U 4 8 4 8 E 4 E 6 4 7 6 9 64 6C E 8 6C 9 6 A 8 D 8 5 8 8 86 E 456 7 F K 7 contr ler et nettoyer r gler lubrifier si n cessaire nettoyer remplacer r gler 1 G V G 86 4 E 8 5 8 8 E46 B6 8 4 9 6...

Page 104: ...R E8X 2 QV E286 Amortisseur arri re Carburateur C bles de transmission et commandes Centrage des roues Coussinetsdumanchondedirectionetjeudeladirection Coussinets des roues Disques du frein Filtre air...

Page 105: ...x ou les oreilles rincer imm diatement les parties touch es avec beaucoupd eauetserendreauxurgences enin diquant la cause et les modalit s de l accident En cas de contact avec les v tements si port s...

Page 106: ...n de vidange de l huile Retirer le bouchon de remplissage de l huile moteur jauge 1 le bouchon de vidange de l huile moteur 2 le joint torique 3 le ressort 4 et le petit filtre huile du moteur Vidange...

Page 107: pas gonfler les pneus pour atteindre les valeurs indi qu es valables pour temp rature ambiante la pression des pneus s av rerait insuffisant E Si possible utiliser le m me manom tre pour le contr l...

Page 108: ...nesed collepas au d part ou durant la marche lorsque est rel ch le levier d embrayage le moteur augmente le nombre de tours de mani re excessive et retarde le transfert du moteur la roue arri re l emb...

Page 109: ...t bien se laver avec de l eau et du savon Se changer et laver le plus rapidement possible les v tements sales viter l pandage et le d bordement de carbu rant du r servoir en contact avec des parties s...

Page 110: ...ur les pastilles des freins il est donc conseill de bien s cher le v hicule apr s l avoir lav Si la route est mouill e rouler avec pr caution et essayer le freinage de mani re continue M me le sel uti...

Page 111: ...fois le r glage effectu revisser l crou 2 5F 50D D 1 2 5B 5 5 5 2 5 4 2 5 C5 2 5 Z 0 HMQKI MMK MQ Le r servoir du liquide correspondant au frein disque arri re est positionn sur le c t droit du v hicu...

Page 112: ...t et par derri re pour la pince du frein arri re Outre la limite du mat riau de friction l usure comporte le contact du support m tallique de la pastille avec le disque avec cons quent bruit m talliqu...

Page 113: position de compl te ment ferm et retourner en arri re selon les d clics susmentionn s Pour obtenir un freinage plus doux tourner le re gistre vers agir en sens inverse pour obtenir un freinage pl...

Page 114: ...l amortis seur 1 n cessite du retrait du collecteur de l air et de l utilisation d une cl articul e sp cifique Desserrer la vis de blocage 2 de la bague Utilisant une cl crochet ou un poin on en alum...

Page 115: ...l oscillation verticale de la cha ne m me dans d autres positions le jeu doit rester constant dans toutes les phases de ro tation de la roue N 3 4 319 3 4 12 7 4 2 5 D3 O 6 9 7 9 23 119 L A 3 2 2 N 3...

Page 116: ...5 8 9 7 8 2 8 R8 BCDEFGFHKI 5 UVW Ne pas utiliser d essence ou de solvants inflam mables pour le lavage du filtre afin d viter de possibles incendies ou explosions Pour les intervalles d entretien voi...

Page 117: ...avec de l eau et du savon Se changer et laver le plus rapidement possible les v tements sales viter l pandage et le d bordement de liquide r frig rant du r servoir en contact avec des par ties surchau...

Page 118: ...K Ne pas intervenir sur la vis de r glage de l air afin d viter toute variation du r glage de la carburation Si n cessaire s adresser un Concessionnaire Keihin CVK30 3 674 L 3D M 5 43AN 7 F7 B4CD 47A...

Page 119: ...L32 5 2 9A M2 ED58 8 3 5 8A ED3 8 2 C92 E20 4 58A0 E2 05J12 J 92 9 59 2 L 2 E2 0512 3 E3 030 E20090 2A 2A E5A0 12 L18AE 2I N O N P Q R Pour cette op ration il est n cessaire que le mo teur soit froid...

Page 120: ...qu la figure Raccorder ensuite le p le n gatif la batterie 23 4 0 0 1 2 Dans la phare avant sont log es une ampoule pour feu de position une ampoule pour feu de croisement de route 34 05 0 4 Positionn...

Page 121: ...nt Extraire l ampoule de position 1 et la rem placer avec une du m me type J 3 K 1 J 0LK 30 Pour retirer le connecteur lectrique de l am poule ne pas tirer sur les c bles lectriques Extraire la calott...

Page 122: ...voir en fermer le robinet et s assurer qu il n y en ait pas dans le bac du carburateur Pour cette derni re op ration fermer le robinet du r servoir et mettre en marche le v hicule Attendre qu il s arr...

Page 123: ...le voir page 122 LAVAGE Ravitailler le r servoir de carburant voir page 109 CARBURANT Effectuer les contr les pr liminaires voir page 98 FICHE DES CONTR LES PR LIMINAIRES 23456373 483927 7 5 938 8 27...

Page 124: ...0 5A5 5A5 5A5 5A5 5A5 5A5 D E 0 F 11 5B1649949 5B1649949 5B1649949 5B1649949 5B1649949 5B1649949 3 C C5219 4957 0618049 C5DE1 52FG 104 C5219 4957 0618049 C5DE1 52FG 104 C5219 4957 0618049 C5DE1 52FG...

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Page 127: ...127...

Page 128: ...128 0 1 23 4 4 2 5 5 6 5 52 7 3 789 9 8 A BCD A 8 6 5 6 9 8 A ED...

Page 129: ...ect operation of all lights Fonctionnement de toutes les lumi res Pressione e condizioni dei pneumatici a freddo Tyre pressure and condition cold Pression et condition des pneus froid 2 2 11 1 A B1 1...

Page 130: ...6 H 3 1GI 3I3M 1 2 6 L 2 E 2 2 E 6 E 242 IG 6 H 3 1GI 311 XG V 00 1 2 00 2 00 2 0 2 2 2 3 2 3 0 2 0 2 2 3 4 V EE E E V E V EE 6 DU 242 IG 6 H 3 1GI 26 7 N I U J K C NY I U 242 IG 6 H 3 1GI 2 6 N CI G...
