BLE 5, Thread, Zigbee Modules, BT840/F/E/X/XE
Ver 1.16 Dec.. 2019
Control Skyworks Power Amplifier
BT840X uses SKYWORKS SKY66112-11 power amplifier. The connection diagram with control signal pins is
A firmware example to control Skyworks SKY66112 power amplifier is below. This firmware file can be
downloaded from
You can set nRF52840 TX to up to + 8 dBm. The conditions for passing FCC and Industrial Canada
certification testings:
BT840X: Set nRF52840 TX to +2 dBm.
BT840XE: Set nRF52840 TX to +2 dB and use Fanstel antenna ANT000.
Header files
#ifndef PA_LNA_H__
#define PA_LNA_H__
#include "ble.h"
#include "app_error.h"
#include "nrf_drv_gpiote.h"
#include "nrf_drv_ppi.h"
void pa_lna_init(uint32_t gpio_pa_pin, uint32_t gpio_lna_pin);