Never p lac e a t elevis ion s et in a n u ns table l oc ation. A televis ion s et may f all, c aus ing s erious p ers onal i njury o r d eath.
Many i njuries , p artic ularly to c hildren, c an be a voided by taking s impleprec autions s uc h a s :
1.Us ing c abinets o r s tands r ec ommended by the manufac turer o f the televis ion s et.
2.Only u s ing furniture that c an s afely s upport the televis ion s et.
3.E ns uring the televis ion s et is n ot overhanging the e dge o f the s upporting furniture.
4.Not plac ing the televis ion s et on tall furniture ( for e xample, c upboards o r b ookc as es ).without anc horing both the
f urniture a nd the televis ion s et to a s uitable s upport.
5.Not plac ing the televis ion s et on c loth o r o ther materials t hat may b e l oc ated between the televis ion s et and
s upporting furniture,
6.E duc ating c hildren a bout the dangers o f c limbing o n furniture to r eac h the televis ion s et or i ts c ontrols .
If y our e xis ting televis ion s et is b eing r etained a nd r eloc ated, the s ame c ons iderations a s a bove s hould be a pplied.
Note: don't hang at an angle to avoid the ris k of falling off.
Wall-mounted s c rew: 22-24
M4, 2 8-70
M6, 7 5
inc h
inc h
inc h
Summary of Contents for FL24114
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