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F&F Filipowski sp. j.
ul. Konstantynowska 79/81 95-200 Pabianice
phone: (+48 42) 215 23 83; 227 09 71 POLAND
h� ps://www.fi f.com.pl e-mail: biuro@fi f.com.pl
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The F&F products are covered by a war-
ranty of the 24 months from the date of
pruchase. Eff ec� ve only with proof of
Contact your dealer or directly with us.
Do not dispose of the device to a garbage bin with other unsorted
In accordance with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equip-
ment Act any household electro-waste can be turned in free of charge
and in any quan� ty to a collec� on point established for this purpose, as
well as to the store in the event of purchasing new equipment (as per
the old for new rule, regardless of brand). Electro-waste thrown in the
garbage bin or abandoned in the bosom of nature pose a threat to the
environment and human health.
Astronomical � mer is used for switching on and off the lightning or other
electrical receivers in accordance to sunset and sunrise.
Func� oning
On the basis of informa� on about the current date and the geographical
coordinates of its loca� on, the astronomical � mer automa� cally sets daily,
scheduled points of lightning switching. The exact � me of switch on and off is
determined on the basis of the calcula� on of the posi� on of the sun rela� ve
to the horizon and allows you to select one of the three control op� ons (the
moment the lights go on and off is set independently):
Astronomical sunset and sunrise
Civil twilight/dawn
Correc� on – individual correc� on of program switch on and off points by
the user: angular or � me
Opera� ng modes and func� ons
AUTOMATIC MODE – automa� c opera� on by programma� c points of con-
tact switching [highlighted icon on the le� side of the display].
SEMI-AUTOMATIC MODE – the ability to manually close and open contact
during automa� c opera� on. The change will be eff ec� ve un� l the switch
on/off resul� ng from the automa� c mode [fl ashing symbol on the dis-
play on the le� side].
In semi-automa� c mode the contact posi� on is opposite to that
which results from the program cycle (which means that the con-
tact is opened at night and closed during the day). Semi-automa� c
opera� on works only un� l the end of the current cycle of automat-
ic opera� on, for example entering semi-automa� c mode during
the day will turn on the lights un� l the � me of the scheduled switch
resul� ng from the astronomic cycle. Then, the clock returns to au-
toma� c opera� on (and the light is s� ll switched on un� l dawn).
Mode switching is done using the +/– bu� ons on the main level.
MANUAL MODE – [ON] permanently closed contact (posi� on 1-5) or [OFF]
permanently open contact (posi� on 1-6) when the AUTOMATIC MODE is
off [no icon on the le� side of the display].
ASTRONOMICAL SUNRISE AND SUNSET – moments when the center of the
solar disk touches the horizon (parameter h= -0.583°). Due to the simpli-
fi ca� on of calcula� ons, the devia� on of a few minutes in rela� on to data
designated by "HM Nau� cal Almanac Offi ce" is acceptable.
The advantage of se� ng the point of switch on/off as a func� on
of the posi� on of the sun disk is that this feature is immune to
change of the dura� on of the dusk/dawn for the diff erent seasons
of the year, so that the switch on/off occurs always for the same
level of brightness.
CIVIL TWILIGHT AND DAWN (including the calendar) – the phase of the
sunset, in which the center of the solar disk will be no more than 6 angular
degrees below the horizon (solar disk viewed from Earth has a diameter of
approximately half a degree). During this � me brightest stars and planets
("Evening star", "fi rst star" on Christmas Eve) appear in the sky (with good
air clarity). Due to the sca� ering of light in the atmosphere there is s� ll
generally suffi cient sunlight for normal opera� on in the open space with-
out ar� fi cial light sources.
CIVIL DAWN (and calendar) – the � me before sunrise, when the center of
the solar disk is already higher than 6° below the horizon line.
SCHEDULED POINT OF SWITCH ON/OFF – � mes of contact switching on
(posi� on 1-5) and off (posi� on 1-6) determined based on the selected con-
trol op� on: astronomical sunrise/sunset or civil twilight/dusk and loca� on.
NIGHT BREAK – user-se� able temporary switching between the program
points of switching on and off .
CONFIGURATION – designa� on of the LOCATION and se� ng the SCHED-
LOCATION – the geographical coordinates and � me zone of a place rela-
� vely close to the place of the � mer installa� on. Loca� ons and � me zones
of approx. 1500 ci� es from 51 countries of the world are defi ned in the
memory of the device. You can enter your personal se� ngs as geographi-
cal loca� on and � me zone (UTC).
COORDINATE CODE – geographical coordinates assigned for specifi ed ci� es
to help provide the loca� on (ci� es and their associated codes are shown
in the table).
CORRECTION – accelera� on or decelera� on of the switch on/off � mes in
rela� on to astronomical � me points of sunrise and sunset:
± 15° – angular correc� on for the point of switching rela� ve to the posi-
� on of the center the sun disk to the horizon;
± 180 min. – � me correc� on for the point of switching as a shi� of � me
rela� ve to sunrise/sunset.
DST (Daylight Saving Time) – interna� onal name of summer � me (free
transla� on: the sunlight acquisi� on � me). Disables automa� c � me chang-
AUTOMATIC TIME CHANGE – change from winter to summer � me. It
can be set to work with or without automa� c change. The controller is
equipped with a func� on to select the � me zone so that the switching � me
is consistent with the local � me.
DATE PREVIEW – preview of the set date (OK).
the ability to view the current � me of switch the contact open and close
and the set loca� ons (geographic coordinates are displayed) and the UTC
� me zone (subsequent pressing of the +/– bu� ons in the date preview
NFC WIRELESS COMMUNICATION – wirelessly read and write � mer confi g-
ura� on from an Android phone equipped with the NFC module.
PCZ CONFIGURATOR APP – free applica� on for Android mobile phones and
tablets equipped with the NFC module for wireless communica� on.
� mer confi gura� on in offl ine mode (without the connec� on with the
� mer);
coordinates se� ngs by selec� ng the preset loca� on (code coordinates),
a direct indica� on of the loca� on on a map on your phone or copying the
current posi� on recorded by the GPS in your phone;
read and write the confi gura� on of the controller;
quick programming of mul� ple controllers using a single confi gura� on;
read and write the confi gura� on from and to a fi le;
sharing the confi gura� on via e-mail, Bluetooth, network drives;
iden� fi ca� on of the connected � mer and the ability to name individual
automa� c backups of the confi gura� on. Along with a unique iden� fi er for
each � mer, user can easily restore previous confi gura� on;
set the � me and date according to the clock in mobile phone.
The app is available on Google Play!
CLOCK TIME CORRECTION – set monthly adjustment of the seconds of the
system clock.
BATTERY INDICATOR – the controller comes with built-in control system
of the backup � mer ba� ery used in case of main power supply failure. If
the ba� ery is low, user will receive informa� on that the ba� ery needs to
be replaced.
LCD BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT – change the contrast of the display to get
a clear LCD read-out from diff erent viewing angles.
RELAY STATE MEMORY – set relay state in manual mode is remembered
and restored when the power returns.
Display and control panel descrip� on
Mo – Monday; Tu – Tuesday; We – Wednesday; Th – Thursday; Fr – Friday;
Sa – Saturday; Su – Sunday.
Func� on keys descrip� on
enter the program menu
return to the previous posi� on (back)
move to the next se� ng
accept se� ng
preview of the date and the scheduled points of switch on/off and the
loca� on
"+" [plus]
change the se� ng by one posi� on up (+1) for the selected programming
op� on (holding down the bu� on con� nuously changes the se� ng by one
posi� on up in a loop)
in MANUAL MODE: permanent ON and OFF contact switching
"−" [minus]
change in the se� ng by one posi� on down for the selected programming
op� on (holding down the bu� on con� nuously changes the se� ng by one
posi� on down in a loop)
in MANUAL MODE: permanent ON and OFF contact switching
�. �����
Connect the power supply.
The � mer will start at the root level and the display will show selected hour.
In the absence of any program entries, � mer will automa� cally run in manu-
al mode. If the previous entries are present, � mer will execute the program.
Set individual � mer program with internal confi gura� on menu or by using
the PCZ KONFIGURATOR app for mobile devices.
�. ����
Press MENU. The � mer will enter program menu.
Using the +/– bu� ons select the date se� ng mode DATE.
Confi rm with OK. Timer will show se� ngs for the next parameters: year,
month, and day. Use the +/– keys to set the parameters; move to the next
parameter with the OK bu� on. Go back to the previous item by pressing
Press OK to accept date se� ng. The � mer will automa� cally exit from the
date se� ng mode and go to the program menu.
The date se� ng is tantamount to � me determina� on: winter or summer.
In Poland, the � me change from winter to summer is done automa� cally at
on the last Sunday of March at 2.00 AM
(by adding one hour to the
current � me). Time change from summer to winter is done automa� cally at
on the last Sunday of October at 3.00 AM
(by subtrac� ng one hour
from the current � me).
The automa� c � me change can be turned off (see sec� on 7.1).
�. ����
Press MENU. The � mer will enter the program menu.
Using the +/– bu� ons select the mode for � me se� ng HOUR.
Timer will show se� ngs for the next parameters: hour and minutes. Set the
parameters with the +/– bu� ons. Move to the next parameter with the OK
bu� on. Go back to the previous item by pressing MENU.
Press OK to accept � me entry. The � mer will automa� cally exit from the date
se� ng mode and go to the program menu.
�. ��������� ����
Press MENU. The � mer will enter program menu.
Using the +/– bu� ons select the mode for � me se� ng MODE.
Press OK to accept. The � mer will enter auto opera� on mode (AUTO/HAND).
Select opera� on mode using the +/– bu� ons:
AUTO – automa� c mode
HAND – manual mode
Press OK to accept. The � mer will automa� cally exit from the date se� ng
mode and go to the program menu. Pressing MENU again will bring you to
the root level.
Changes to the contact posi� on in MANUAL OPERATION mode are
done using the +/– bu� ons at the root level.
�. ��������
Press MENU. The � mer will enter program menu.
Using the +/– bu� ons select the mode for � me se� ng LOCATE.
Press OK to accept. The � mer will enter to the loca� on se� ngs menu (LIST/
USER). Select mode using the +/– bu� ons:
LIST – select loca� on from the list of coordinate codes;
USER – manual se� ng of the user geographical posi� on.
Press OK to accept.
�.�. ����������� �����
Check the table of coordinate codes located at the diagram of programming.
Find the country and the city closest to your loca� on and the corresponding
The � mer will enter country selec� on menu. Using the +/– bu� ons select
the country. Accept by pressing OK. The � mer will enter the coordinate code
selec� on. Using the +/– bu� ons select desired code from the list. Press OK.
The � mer will automa� cally go to the loca� on se� ngs menu. Pressing the
MENU bu� on will move you to a higher level.
A� er selec� ng a loca� on from the list of loca� ons, there is no need
to write common geographical ordinates. The full list of loca� ons
(writed in � mer memory) you fi nd from the product subpage on
www.fi f.com.pl. Scan QR code below:
�.�. ��� ������������ ����������� �� ��� ����
The � mer will enter the geographical coordinates and � me zone se� ng
mode. The � mer will automa� cally set la� tude marking:
N – North
S – South
Set the degrees using the +/– bu� ons. Accept by pressing OK.
Then select theminutes. Accept by pressing OK.
The � mer will enter the longitude se� ng mode.
Longitude marking:
E – East
W – West
length in degrees and arc minutes
Set the degrees using the +/– bu� ons. Accept by pressing OK.
Then select the minutes. Accept by pressing OK.
�. ��������� ������ �� ������ ������
�.�. ������ ���� – ������
Press MENU. The � mer will enter program menu.
Using the +/– bu� ons select the mode for � me se� ng ON.
Press OK to accept. The � mer will enter to the switch op� on selec� on (SUN-
Use the +/– bu� ons to select the correct moment of ac� va� on:
SUNSET – astronomical sunset
TLIGHT – civil twilight
USER (� me correc� on se� ng) – accelera� ng or delaying the switching � me
in rela� on to the � me point of astronomical sunset:
± 15° – for the point of switching rela� ve to the posi� on of the center of
the sun disk to the horizon. PLUS value speeds up the switching, MINUS
value delays switching.
± 180 min. – � me correc� on for the point of switching as a shi� of � me
rela� ve to sunrise/sunset. PLUS value speeds up the switching, MINUS
value delays switching.
Select the switching op� on using +/– bu� ons. Accept by pressing OK.
If you select TIME feature, set the hour and minutes in accordance with par-
agraph 3 (HOUR).
If you select USER feature, set the adjustment in accordance with the par-
agraph 6.3.
�.� ������ ����� – �������
Press MENU. The � mer will enter program menu.
Using the +/– bu� ons select the mode for � me se� ng OFF.
Press OK to accept. The � mer will enter to the switch op� on selec� on (SUN-
Select mode using the +/– bu� ons:
SUNRIS – astronomical sunrise
DAWN – civil twilight
USER (� me correc� on se� ng) – accelera� ng or delaying the switching � me
in rela� on to the � me point of astronomical sunrise:
± 15° – for the point of switching rela� ve to the posi� on of the center of
the sun disk to the horizon. PLUS value speeds up the switching, MINUS
value delays switching.
± 180 min. – � me correc� on for the point of switching as a shi� of � me
rela� ve to sunrise/sunset. PLUS value speeds up the switching, MINUS
value delays switching.
Select the switching op� on using +/– bu� ons. Accept by pressing OK.
If you select USER, set compensa� on in accordance with sec� on 6.3.
�.�. ������� ��� ���� ����������
The se� ng for the USER switching.
Select USER. Accept by pressing OK.
The � mer will enter the angular or � me off set selec� on mode (° – � ).
Select op� on using +/– bu� ons:
� – � me off set
° – angular off set
Accept by pressing OK. The � mer will enter the correc� on value se� ng
mode. Set the value using +/– bu� ons:
± 15° – for the point of switching rela� ve to the posi� on of the center of
the sun disk to the horizon. PLUS value speeds up the switching, MINUS
value delays switching.
± 180 min. – � me correc� on for the point of switching as a shi� of � me
rela� ve to sunrise/sunset. PLUS value speeds up the switching, MINUS
value delays switching.
Confi rm by pressing OK. The � mer automa� cally exits the correc� on se� ng
func� on and enters the program menu. Pressing MENU will bring you to
the main level.
�. ������ ��������
Press MENU. The � mer will enter the program menu.
Using the +/– keys select system se� ngs SYST.
Confi rm by pressing OK. The � mer will enter the system se� ngs submenu
Select the parameter with the +/– keys and confi rm with OK.
Pressing MENU will take you to the upper level.
�.�. ��������� ���� ������ �����
��� ��������� ������ �����
– interna� onal name of summer � me.
Confi rm by pressing OK. The � mer will enter the menu with the op� on to
disable automa� c � me change (AUTO/OFF).
With +/– keys select desired mode:
AUTO – with automa� c � me change
OFF – without automa� c � me change
Confi rm selected op� on by pressing OK.
To exit the parameter without saving the changes, press the MENU bu� on.
�.�. ������� ������ ��������� ������
The PCZ-524.3 clock includes checking the ba� ery charge status.
To check the ba� ery level, enter the SYST menu (p.7), then use the +/– but-
tons to go to BATT and confi rm by pressing OK.
The clock will display informa� on about ba� ery charge level:
HIGH – fully charged, new ba� ery
GOOD – in good condi� on, provides long-term opera� on
LOW – low ba� ery level, recommended replacement
EMPTY – discharged, it must be replaced immediately
�.�. ������ ����� ���� ���������� �����
If you no� ce that the � me is measured incorrectly by the � mer, you can
correct it yourself. To do this, you fi rst need to es� mate the error of � me
measurement in seconds on a monthly scale.
Next press MENU bu� on and go to SYST (p. 7).
Using +/– select CAL parameter and confi rm OK.
Using +/– select desired correc� on value.
For example:
If the clock is fast 4 seconds per month, set the parameter value -4.
Confi rm by pressing OK, to exit edit mode without making any changes –
MENU bu� on.
The opera� on of the � mer is based on a quartz resonator, the nat-
ural feature of which is aging causing a change in the resonance
frequency and thus reducing the accuracy of � me measurement.
�.�. ������� �������� �����
Se� ng the display contrast.
Range: -3 (lowest) ... + 3 (highest).
Confi rm by pressing OK. The � mer will display the current contrast parame-
ter. Using +/– select contrast parameter. Confi rm OK.
Confi rm by pressing OK, to exit edit mode without making any changes –
MENU bu� on.
�.�. ������ ����������� ������
Informa� on about the device type and so� ware version are available in the
INFO menu. To display them, enter the SYST menu, use the +/– bu� ons to
select INFO. Confi rm by pressing OK.