Fält Communications 2016 ©
162187 Manual Fältcom ECII® Flex V024D 2016-02-23
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5.6 Connection to loop amplifier
To enable passengers with impaired hearing to communicate with the alarm centre a loop
amplifier can be connected to the Fältcom ECII® Flex. Contact your local distributor for infor-
mation about approved loop amplifiers that can be used with Fältcom ECII® Flex.
Connect the output marked “LOOP AMP” to the loop amplifier. The loop amplifier must work
during power failure. Connect it to a power supply that is known to work during power failure.
5.7 Connection of external pictogram
It is possible to connect external lamps to indicate alarm status on the lift phone according to
EN81:70 using the system component Pictogram Driver. It consists of a DC-converter and
drive circuits for external lamps. It is connected to the output marked “DC”, to 12V emergency
power and to the external lamps. Contact your distributor for more information.
5.8 Connection to Intercom (art. 2153)
For communication between the machine room and the Fältcom ECII® Flex use the Fältcom
Intercom Unit (art. 2153). Mount the Intercom Unit in the machine room and connect the pow-
er, telephone line and intercom handset. Connect the Fältcom ECII® Flex in the lift car to the
Lift phone (ECII) output on the Intercom Unit. Please view the Intercom installation instruction
for more information.
5.9 Connection to additional Alarm buttons ALBU (art. 2142)
For additional alarm buttons on top and below the lift car use the Fältcom (art. 2142). Mount
the ALBU on an appropriate location and connect it to the “ALARM 2” input on the Fältcom
ECII® Flex. If using two Alarm Buttons they need to be connected in series; the Alarm But-
tons are always Normally Closed.
To activate the “ALARM 2” input for the Alarm Button, program:
5.10 Connection to Speech Unit (art. 2230)
For additional microphone and speaker on top and below the lift car use the Fältcom Flex
Speech Unit (art. 2230). Mount the Speech Unit on an appropriate location and connect it to
the Fältcom ECII® Flex AUX input using the Cat5 cable, use the IN connector on the Speech
Unit. Please note that the cable must be ordered separately depending on the required length
of the cable. The alarm input on the Fältcom ECII® Flex is activate by default.
If using two Speech Units; connect the second Cat5 cable from the OUT connector of Speech
Unit 1 to the IN connector on Speech Unit 2. Also, move the jumper from SU1 to SU2 on
Speech Unit 2.
To speak to the Speech Unit first call in to the Fältcom ECII® Flex and establish a duplex
conversation. Then press key ‘3’ to activate the sound in the Speech Unit, press ‘3’ again to
switch the sound back to the Fältcom ECII® Flex.