Fairchild 766H SERIES Instruction Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 766H SERIES

Page 1: ...UP 766H SERtES OSCTILOSCOPE lnstruciion Monuol Seriol No FAIFICHILE INSTRUMENTATION 5o soMEiSET PTACE CtlFtON N J Or0t5 1965 Foirchild Comero ond lndrument Corp Monuol No 6704 5893...

Page 2: ...Switch and Diodes l 8 t 9 2 1 2 3 3 l E 2 5 7 Installation Instructions 5 8 Installation Insructions l 6 1 6 t 7 Checking the Power Supply Check Ripple of Low Vbltige Type 766H Calibrator Display 2 3...

Page 3: ...section 1 technicol summory t r0cus C ASIG I O Figute l l Foitchild fype 766H frcnsistorixed Oscilloscope...

Page 4: ...comprise the high voltage Series Type 765H 765MH 767MH 3 The following models quency Series 766H 766MH 767H comprise the high fre Type 765H F 765MH F 766rI F 766MH F 767H F A 767MIJ F rNore These osc...

Page 5: ...TOGRAPHS OT BENCH RACK AND PORTABTE MODEI S Figwe l 3 fype 765 Porros ope Wilh Complele Corrying Cose Figure I 5 fype 767H Rock Model Figure l 4 Itpe 766H Bench Model Figwe I 2 fype 765H Portos ope ri...

Page 6: ...l 1296 orv 2 I 2 2 2 7020 7030 7085 7081 7080 276C 7035 l8 lbs 9lbs 37 lbs Ecnci Models 766 t3le eTq 2oYe 27 lbs 37 lbs Rqck Mounted Modclt 767 19 20 27 lbs 37 lbs technicql summqry section 1 1285A 15...

Page 7: ...eriesf 2q Y Axis 5 2 to 7 2 volls cm F7650 0 p ond F7660 0 P CRT onty 2b Y Axis 2t t to 3Yz vohsfcn IF767O 0 P CRI onlyl l 4 SPECIFICATIONS CATHODE RAY TUBE DAIA Z Axi Bench ond Rqck mountcd Models on...

Page 8: ...pe oture r Applicoble for oll models except militorized or M Models Doto for iA models is given elsewhere in thir Specificotion technicol summory section 1 Storqge Temperoture Ronge From 400c ro 850c...

Page 9: ...illoscope Showing Cleoron e Dimension lor lnstollotion ol lype 7O85A Rock Slides ond fype 7078 Kit lor Flush Mounting 22 Figute l 8 lype 767H Oscilloscope ShowinE Cleoroace Dimeasion for lnstollorion...

Page 10: ...line power frequencies of 48 IOOO cycles I Low power conrsmplion I Operotion from 30o io t6OoC I Semiconductor circuitry I Light weighi extremely porioble I RFI shielding I Federql Stock Number 6625 O...

Page 11: ...ate properly at any line voltage between 210 and 250 volts Line voltages be yond the limit specified may cause the power supplies to go out of regulation Powerline voltage excursiori will be more limi...

Page 12: ...tion of the potte n wiih tie grcli ul a a rocus Co tol provid6 o odilst dble voltog for othod ioy tub fo ui srid t6 oPlinit ASTIG Cont ol provide5 on odiurt obl voltos Ior cothod roy tub to optifrit t...

Page 13: ...ot cockpir troobl due ro ni3otignoenr of controtr Set ASIIG FOCUS lN TENSITY onrroh ro ce 5 mSEC Sei wnch6 o AC A TINE fleodiGt INTENSITY TOCUS ond ASTIG onirols for d shqrp por eh Reqdiu 6 o cenrer t...

Page 14: ...ze Basically the beam brightening feature should not be used except on fast sweeps because in the single shot rnode the brightening gate is ac coupled to the cathode of the CRT This means that if slow...

Page 15: ...the trouble may reside in the trigger take off circuit of the opersting instructions section 2 Y Plug in amplifrer that the operator is using How ever if improper tiggering cannot be obtainid from an...

Page 16: ...a conventional full wave rectifrer circuit The rectifted output is ca pacitively filtered by Cl20l shunted by resistor RI202 and applied to the voltage regulator Operation of the regulator is as follo...

Page 17: ...roov i ouiii dl rlrJrrr sr l I uprraer I Figurc 3 1 lype 766H j200Y and 100y Regulororu Functionol Block Diogrcm I sovEG Jrrrdl fstrr Ei l Eiliid I A PLIFIEi I Figwe 3 2 lype 766H 50V ond 50V Regulolo...

Page 18: ...grid In beam gate blanking the electron beam is always turned on and passes through an aperture in the circuit description section 3 center of a blanking shield Behind this shield is a set of deflect...

Page 19: ...ain six cycles of the calibrator signal 6 Allow 20 minutes Ior warmup before making any adjustments 7 Lower the line voltage to I05 volts 210 volts for 230 volt operation The disptay should remain sta...

Page 20: ...djust oscilloscope for 5 centimeter vertical bar 4 Transfer the Probe from the Ballantine Calibra tor to the I volt pin jack Note Calibrator amplitude to be 4 9 to 5 1 cm l volt 2 Avoid errors by usin...

Page 21: ...ustments for normal mainrcnance 5 2 REiIOVAI AND TEPI ACEIIENT Of PARTS lf it is necessary to order a replacement component from the Iactory always give the Type Number and Serial Number of the instru...

Page 22: ...of the circuits is the best help With an understanding of the circuit opera tion it will be possible to make a good guess at the general source of troubles Irom the symptoms As an aid in trouble shoo...

Page 23: ...e with the cathode ray tube itself which should be checked If the low voltage power supply is operating nor mally but no spot or trace is visible on the screen then the trouble might be a defective ca...

Page 24: ...ed 5 ry1 r dlu rm nr 50V tl0 mv TPl30I RI303 50V ADJ 50V t20 mv TPl20l R 213 50VADi 100V t20mv TPll0l Rlll2 l00VADJ 200V t30 mv TPl00l Rl0l2 200VAD Vary the autotransformer output voltage between 105...

Page 25: ...mointenonce snd recolibrqtion section 5 QI OO2 i a t a C r 02 tl I rI 50v Regulotor Supply Regvlotor Supply r O 6 oiosr li l Figwe 5 2 Reor View Showing fronsistors ond CRf 5 5...

Page 26: ...on 5Ov CRI202 Reciifie15 CRt 20t cRr 302 cR200t HV Recti iers cRt 301 50v Recti iers 204v I i 1 il TP200l I350V 1 t f ll cRt002 Ir t cR t 00l ln t ffi r i i 15v 230V _ _ _ setecior 5 5 Figure 5 3 Reor...

Page 27: ...olibrstion section 5 TPt 001 i 200v I TP IOI toov TPt 20t 50v Oj Rt0t2 S io oou I c t 11 r i lkv a f e i3Ji adi i t b iii Yy TP 30I 50v Figvre 5 4 fop View of Chossis Showing fest Points fronsistors o...

Page 28: ...section 5 mqintenonce ond recolibrotion H A tJl 5 8 Figure 5 5 Right Oblique View Showing X E Y Peoking frimmers...

Page 29: ...Corr il s2r0 Beom Brightcnins cR2o5o cR2051 Inside Cover Reclifiert Q2003 Inside Cover Oscillotor Figvre 5 6 Lelr Oblique View Showing fronsistors Switch ond Adiustment mqintenonce snd recolibrstion s...

Page 30: ...B 6 3 pf tor the Y side 5 t o I1 not adjust Cl03l until this condition is obtained 8 Reinstall the Y Plug in module and remove the X Plug in module 9 Repeat steps 3 through 6 using J8001 l and J800r 1...

Page 31: ...colibrqtion section 5 Unsolder ond remove Y De Ileclion Plote leodr ond trim mer opocilor from pins i lnsioll ihe Type 7062 Nei work to Y Deflection P ote ond l7 of J9001 Solder 300 ohm twin leods to...

Page 32: ...mointenonce qnd recolibrotion lnstoll clomp ond foslen ihe Type 7062 Neh ork in poriiion Reconnect X DeJlection Plote leods through slot os hown r ii 1 t 1 I i 1 I 1 5 12 Figure 5 8 lnstqllqlion lnsr...

Page 33: ...l 50Vl Figwe 5 9 Type 7062 nrerconnecring Diogrqm b Adiustment of A s B DC Offser POT Rl07l When the A r B DC OFFSET potentiometer is properly adjusted there will be no depositioning of the trace when...

Page 34: ...e lr2 divisions below screen center 6 Set the A B DC OFFSET potentiometer Rl0Z1 to bring the trace to screen center 7 Rotate the MODE switch throughout its range There should be no depositioning of th...

Page 35: ...Etc CDE Rlc ERC Rrrtc RMC RC Enc cRr FP 83t c1305 0319 1050 ct307 0326 1520 cr308 0327 1890 c2003 0326 1660 c200 0327 6910 0 02 pf 60 10o o ISOY l00O pf GMV elecrrolyri 25 pf lo0 ro r50v 0 O2 pr GMY...

Page 36: ...only 0905 8440 recepro le rou d 3 ontocrs cE Jlool O9O l a3El io r tip bt6ck ltv p p ABo 12001 B3nch ond 6nly 0905 7510 re epiocle 8NC rr emole l 6nld l L oirn nd d V ndol D dplion Codr Typ UG 625 A...

Page 37: ...203 1380 R2021 0203 2170 R2022 0107 2731 R2023 Be ch o d only 0203 2130 R2024 0234 8300 R202s 0237 5970 R2026 0203 6120 R2027 R202a 0231 8690 n2029 0234 8490 e203l 0234 8580 12032 0231 A520 R2O34 HV o...

Page 38: ...00 3670 wo3h r floi 6 6210 0030 wo h r lo k 6 l Godm nd d V ndot Cod typ Sy bol Pod Numb r R omi nd d V ndor D rlpllon Cod Typ CABTE Wloot 5030 l39O o rcmbly Mtt IYPE 7062 CRT TERiAINAIION NETWORK Hig...

Page 39: ...art number and give a description of the component see Section 6 4 of this manual b 500 Hour Spores 6 monthsl The recommended list lor one through three units is given below DIODES cRr00l lrN 384 cRr0...

Page 40: ...Corporotion Gl 8 Glob lndl llri t GRC Generol Rodio Co npony GXY Groyhill lnc cUD Th Gudc no Compony HAM Th Sohnorlund l tdnltodurinE Co lnc HON Honeyw ll HOP Hopkinr Ergi6 ring Conpony HP H wl lt Po...

Page 41: ...ment compo nent from tfie Iactory always give the Type number and Serial number of the Instrument Belore order ing parts for in warranty replacement or purchasing them for out of warranty replacement...

Page 42: ...f i ti 1 tl l t a f tl l i r l liiiil LIiJ i i i i i t ll i il si i i ii 3 i i i iiiiii 1i i li i iiir l I oe I...

Page 43: ...f ij ri a itil i I l l I l L t t t t r tl Ll t ll I L__ _l J I t i l l r I t J f 50iaauL Ml E l t 1 nl F 1 t _ T b_ I...

Page 44: ...er ln order htgh Des crlptlon Dlode sLllcon 1N4384 Dloder FDc3091 Reslstor fLxed fllm 2400 ohms 51 L 2W cR2003 FDG 309I R2025 fron to 2600 2600 0234 9220 8020 8300 SCHEMArIC REVI9TON Change Sheet 2 of...

Page 45: ...765 765M Type 756 765M Type 767 767M PURPOSE 765H 7 66H 7 67tt B c The followlng changes modulatlon EI ECTRICAL PARTS I IST Change add or delete their part nunlrer and Symbol lczoza rczoz4rl I Addl ln...

Page 46: ...767vrlt 7671 E F B PURPOSE The followlng change was mada to enable use of the tyP 14 i i rir 1 in ttre standard frame when oPeratlns ln the fast aLngle sweeP mode d scHE Arxc REvrsroNs Supplyn Sheet...

Page 47: ...ds made to retrove osclllatlon frotn the nf suppty ocEuring at 30 c r22 F PARSS I IST REVISIONS fn Sectlon 6A change c2005 s c2012 to th6 Srnnbol Part Nunber DescrlPtion C2OO5 0326 7880 Plastl c r 0 2...

Page 48: ...61 r 766H 766ttP 766YIH 766N11 P ri iea 267 767M 767H 757Hv 767vfti 767YIH t B c PURPOSE The follot lng change waa mada to lmprove PARTS LIST REVISIONS CEANGET svfibol Part Number DescrLptlon R2005 02...

Page 49: ...Hr 76sMH 765vlH E 766H 766HF 766MIl 66tt J t 767H 767trF 767ytr 767lCtl l B c PURPOSE Thc tollowlng change wae made to correct voltagG adJuetnant tolerance TEXT REVISIONS In Sectlon 5 paragraph 5 8 ch...

Page 50: ...to update the Type 766H Series MaLn Frame Oscilloscope ln order to accommodate the Type 79 02A 100 Mc Dual Amplifier This network is standard equipment rrLth the Hlgh Frequency Main firame Oscilloscop...

Page 51: ...would be guitable 3 Dleplay the top half of a I Mc algnal from the Type 7911A 4 Set R2065 Lf PEAKING ADiI to mid range A termlnatlon burnp should appear approxlmately 25 nanoseconda fron the start of...

Page 52: ...grounding sprlngs follow the steps as out Ilneil The parts requlred are llsted in paragrlph E of the PartE lJlst 2 Remove the osci lloscopeE lef t slde cover and the plug ln f rom the left Yt cavlty...

Page 53: ...fl ctlon Plate lelald anal trLotler Disconnect X t Y Plate leads fro6l CRT Install the lyp 70 52 Netrork to Y Defl ctlon Plate neck plnr capacitor froa plng b I r a 17 of Jgobl leads to plnc I and 17...

Page 54: ...6704 s884 Sheet 5 of 13 trnrt ll clanp tt Itt 7062 la poal Iref lectlon and fagten N trcrk ReconheAt x PlatG le dt through a6 shorrtt PIGURE A INSTAILATION INSTRUCTIONS...

Page 55: ...H gr t l o H all o d 6 o orl o etooa d6 ur ot i Fa F C u a t E a da C t d ai O O loQ ra t4r6 ra 0t Nou A ft F ata O O rt at O t x ll oo o ta H n o a o tt rno A OF tr ov rl o ot tdo f rl o oc T a r t...

Page 56: ...tetmlnationr 9 turna 127 wlre L2053 r 2o5l 21Ol 9451 Co1lr lnductancep rl turnc I f27 wlre 02050 e 02051 2600 8410 rranaj stor DU t28A 2600 8390 alternate tranal ator 2N3013 SESIEEoRs Note ALl rEBlsto...

Page 57: ...13 E LIST Flgures Part Nunber CABI E e 5028 906r 5028 6900 5028 6930 5028 6960 WIREg CI AMP ASSEMBI Y conslatlng of r oty 2 Qty I Qty 310L 3242 6009 6180 5200 3670 6210 0030 clamp Ecrer l SBIlr 6 32...

Page 58: ...6704 5884 Sheet 10 of 13 o Er 4 q E tf o 4 r l J d rt t 2 B o qt d 4 o o 4 z t t E t E h o r 1 H E z o EI i o a ol 6al ol ct o c o B 8 E i c o a a t c o a o o o o I...

Page 59: ...884 sheet U of 13 R2057 R2059 cR2055 c2053 EF PEA E ADJ iR2os8 iR2o61 t CRilos6t lR2053r i R2052 R2055 lnzoez lnzoer R2064 c2037 FIGURE 6 RE AR VIET OF CRll IERIqII AgIO I BOARD SHOWING REPI ACEABI E...

Page 60: ...F _r o N 3 to orq F r l fr D o H E N 3e N o ty rnl or GtO GN Bi NO ItsN U rr r aZe tr cj or cl F r _ J r u o 9 r r 6 E o12 l r S o o o E F r J o c t o C ul UJE u o EE roN loU oo s fa E2 ro sl rro oo...

Page 61: ...D u H Fr o HC oo oo 6N Bnr ro o o q o o hN r oo io ln Q rit r a rJtn oo o lrI I c 6 E a o h I H r tLt O 4 D or ocl n r J H lt o0 lJ Fl A O lr ct I Ui EI E o J1 o oo o uto nlt dd Jqr do t o Or E gi oi...

Page 62: ...Junctlon with the parent manual Eyp6 66H Serles Manual Revlslons I Electrlcal PartE LIst Add the follow1ng comPonents thelr descrlptlonr code and typo aE speclfied hereln Recorunelqeq_Ieggsr Part Numb...

Page 63: ...tal Speclflcati ona and Lnformatlon gumary headlng VEI TII AlION A cooling fari actuatcd by a thermostat le lncorporatcd to mal ntaln prop r equlprent operatlnq temPeraturc Thc thenpstat oloaea to act...
