11.3 Principles of non-contact temperature measurement
(Dr.-Ing Gruner, Raytek)
This manual was written for people who are unfamiliar with noncontact infrared
temperature measurement. A conscious attempt has been made to present the
subject matter as briefly and simply as possible. Readers who wish to gain more
in-depth knowledge can follow the suggestions for further reading in the
bibliography. This manual focuses on the practical operations of noncontact
temperature measurement devices and IR thermometry, and answers important
questions that may arise. If you plan to use a noncontact temperature
measurement device and require further advice, send us the completed
questionnaire (in the appendix) prior to use.
Advantages of using IR thermometers
Temperature is the most frequently measured physical quantity, second only to
time. Temperature plays an important role as an indicator of the condition of a
product or piece of machinery, both in manufacturing and in quality control.
Accurate temperature monitoring improves product quality and increases
productivity. Downtimes are decreased, since the manufacturing processes can
proceed without interruption and under optimal conditions.
Infrared technology is not a new phenomenon - it has been utilized successfully
in industrial and research settings for decades - but new innovations have
reduced costs, increased reliability, and resulted in noncontact infrared sensors
offering smaller units of measurement. All of these factors have led infrared
technology to become an area of interest for new kinds of applications and users.
What are the advantages offered by noncontact temperature measurement?
It is fast (in the ms range) - time is saved, allowing for more measurements
and accumulation of data (determination of temperature field).
It facilitates measurement of moving targets (conveyor processes).
Measurements can be taken of hazardous or physically inaccessible objects
(high-voltage parts, great measurement distance).
Measurements of high temperatures (greater than 1300°C) present no
problems. In similar cases, contact thermometers cannot be used, or have a
limited life. There is no interference - no energy is lost from the target. For
example, in the case of a poor heat conductor such as plastic or wood,
measurements are extremely accurate with no distortion of measured values,
as compared to measurements with contact thermometers.