Rigging a 1998 Ezzy Bump & Jump Sail
1998 Transformer
Bump & Jump
Rigging &
Fine Tuning Guide
1). Slide the mast through the luff sleeve.
Note do not slide the mast
through the cam, it should go above the cam.
Attach the mast extension and cleat off the downhaul
without tensioning.
Quick Tip:
It is easier to attach your boom on to the mast with no
downhaul tension.
3) Attach the boom and outhaul the sail to the boom length
(printed on the sail).
At this early stage of rigging, the sail should
be outhauled flat in the boom area.
Quick Tip:
The suggested boom length is measured from the center
of the boom cutout.
Attach the cam to the mast by pushing down the batten
with the palm of your hand, approximately 12" (30cm) from
the luff sleeve, and snap the cam onto the mast with your
other hand..
Quick Tip:
If the cam is difficult to put on the mast, check that the
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