Conditions give you the option of executing an action only if certain
conditions are fulfilled. Conditions add second layer of logic to alarms and
For simple alarms, the conditions should be left at
No Condition
When selecting the condition type, additional controls are shown depending
on the condition type.
Two conditions can be set for each action, and the logic can be either that
both conditions have to be true at the same time (AND), or that at least one
of them is true (OR).
The possible condition types are:
Required setting(s)
No condition
No filter. The action will always execute.
Input in alarm
The action will only execute if the referenced
input is in alarm state.
Input reference
Input restored
The action will only execute if the referenced
input is not in alarm state.
Input reference
Input less than
The action will only execute if the referenced
input value is less than a given value.
Input reference
Value (in ‘real’ unit)
Input more than
The action will only execute if the referenced
input value is more than a given value.
Input reference
Value (in ‘real’ unit)
Counter less
The action will only execute if the referenced
input counter register is less than a given value.
Input reference
Counter value
Counter equal to
The action will only execute if the referenced
input counter register is equal to a given value.
Input reference
Counter value
Counter more
The action will only execute if the referenced
input counter register is more than a given
Input reference
Counter value
Schedule active
The action will only execute if the referenced
schedule is in active state.
Schedule reference
Schedule not
The action will only execute if the referenced
schedule is not in active state.
Schedule reference
Output state
The action will only execute if the referenced
output has the given state.
Output reference
Output state (on/off)
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