LegFlexx Manual v1.0.0
Principle of the LegFlexx
Eccentric Loading
The LegFlexx is a part of Exxentric’s Line of Flywheel
Training Equipment. The muscles exercised are mainly the
The principle is that you, through muscular force, accelerate and
decelerate a flywheel (or flywheels). Exercises with high intensity
and forces stimulate the muscles to increase in size and the
nervous system to increase activation of the muscles. These
effects combined increase strength over time.
The resistance is variable and unlimited.
The flywheel has a specified inertia and there is no upper limit to
how much kinetic energy you can produce in the flywheel motion.
You can think of the flywheel as a weight that weighs more if you
put more effort into lifting it. Resistance is variable so if you pull less,
the flywheel will resist less.
Every repetition in a maximal set is maximal instead of only the
last one which is the case with traditional weights. This results in a
higher training efficiency, earlier onset of strength increase, and
also hypertrophy*.
The potentially higher exertion on the LegFlexx may lead to a
need for longer resting periods between sessions to fully recover.
The LegFlexx provides for increased eccentric workloads.
The skeletal muscles can produce more force in the eccentric,
or negative phase. This is difficult to take advantage of with
traditional weights, which always weigh the same.
If you accelerate the flywheel during the concentric, or flexion,
phase and then decelerate in a shorter amount of time, you will
have to produce a higher eccentric force. This will be similar to
lifting weights that would normally be too heavy unless assisted
by a training partner. Check out the Exxentric Online Academy for
more information on eccentric overload.
*) Hypertrophy refers to an increase in muscle size achieved
through exercise.