PIP 422 and PIP 444 Picture-in-Picture Processors • Remote Control
Advanced tab
Figure 4-13 shows the controls area with the Advanced tab selected.
Figure 4-13 — Controls area, Advanced tab
The Advanced Configuration Settings area has drop boxes that allow you to select:
The background and border colors
The insertion effect (cut, wipe, or dissolve)
The output standard (NTSC, NTSC 0 IRE, or PAL)
The position of the text that you insert in a window
The text style (solid or translucent)
The Window Text area allows you to select one of the windows (using the Select
Window drop box) and then enter or erase text in the window.
The Reset Unit button restores the factory defaults.
Using the help system
For information about program features, you can access the help program in any of
the following ways:
From the Extron Electronics group folder, click on the PIP Help icon.
From within the PIP Control Program, click on the Help menu on the main
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