Configuring the Engine
21 of 34
ss - 2 digit seconds
Please enter the month [10]:
Please enter the day of the month [28]:
Please enter the year [2013]:
Please enter the hour of day [09]:
Please enter the minutes [34]:
Please enter the seconds [08]:
1. In the Use UTC screen, select whether you want the system clock to be set to use
The system clock can be set to use UTC. Specifying no for using UTC,
sets the hardware clock using localtime.
Do you want to use UTC (y/n) [n]?
2. In the Set Time Zone screen, select the appropriate time zone and press Enter.
Set Time Zone
You will now be asked to enter the time zone information for this
system. Available time zones are stored in files in the
/usr/share/zoneinfo directory. Please select from one of the following
example time zones:
1. US Eastern
2. US Central
3. US Mountain
4. US Pacific