The XM7 began wiTh one design goal in Mind: “bring UlTra hi-
definiTion soUnd” To The Marine environMenT! The eXile soUnd
qUaliTy, forM facTor, power handling and fiT and finish are
Un-MaTched by anyThing available on The MarkeT Today. The
XM7 inclUdes a paTenTed “qUick release / roTaTional” claMping
sysTeM ThaT can direcT soUnd a fUll 360 degrees and fiTs
virTUally any boaT Tower.
XM7 Owner’s Manual
Models: XM7
© 2009 Exile Audio •
XM7 Owner’s Manual
XM7 conTenTs: 1 speaker / 1 claMp / 1 sock cover
power handling: 250w rMs / 500w peak
coMpression horn: 26MM TiTaniUM diaphragM
feaTUres: injecTion Molded polypropylene cone
weaTher proof rUbber sUrroUnd
powder coaTed waTer resisTanT baskeT
coMposiTe hybrid grill/horn ThroaT
speaker diMensions: 175MM
noMinal iMpedance: 4 ohM
claMp To Tower fiT: 1 7/8” To 2 1/2”
direcT casT Tower MoUnT approved boaTs: MalibU,
illUsion X & Xs, Tigé alpha Z, and cenTUrion (low profile MoUnT)
U.s. paTenT # 6,798,892 b2