Manual UVC Air Sanitizer V1000E
6.6 Periodic maintenance work
After professional setup and positioning, no further work is initially necessary.
Check the correct function of the UVC tubes by checking the air inlet or air outlet to
see if blue light can be seen. In addition to UVC light, the UVC tubes also emit light in
the visible, blue range.
Check that the fans are working correctly by checking whether the fans are turning
and whether you can feel a flow of air.
A regular visual inspection of the quartz tube and the reflectors for dust and deposits
should be carried out. The right time depends on the air purity. If you are installing in a
new location, check more frequently (2-3 months) to get a feeling for the intervals.
Impurities and other deposits on the cladding tube or the reflector reduce the UVC
output considerably. Furthermore, the irradiation chamber, the light trap and the fan
should be cleaned of dust and other contamination. A blockage of the air flow has a
negative effect on the sterilization performance. After 12,000 hours of operation, the
tubes have reached approx. 75% of their output power. The tube replacement is
necessary (see chapter