Functional characteristics
TIG welding
5.1.2 Welding task selection
The setting of the tungsten electrode diameter has a direct influence on the machine functionality, TIG ig-
nition behaviour and minimum current limits. The ignition energy is controlled by the set electrode diame-
ter. Smaller electrode diameters requires less ignition current and less ignition current time than greater
electrode diameters. The set value should correspond to the tungsten electrode diameter. The value can
also be set to meet individual requirements, e.g. for thin panels a smaller diameter is recommended to
reduce the ignition energy.
The electrode diameter setting determines the minimum current limit, which in turn affects the ignition,
main and secondary current. The minimum current limits have a positive effect on the ignition behaviour
and ensure a very high arc stability for each electrode diameter selected. The minimum current limit func-
tion is enabled ex works, but can be disabled with parameter
in the machine configuration
> see 5.6 chapter
For foot-operated remote control mode, minimum current limits are disabled by default.
The following welding task is an example of use:
Figure 5-1