6. Use Cases and Advanced User Guide
The SynView multiview system has also capabilities for displaying background graphics. Factory default,
there will be an EVS background. For the user it is possible to put another picture on the board, which
will be used as background. This picture will be scaled to the resolution set on the output.
The location of these logo’s can be found on the first card of the multiview system. To access this, you
need to connect to the card with FTP or WebDav. When the IP address of the 1G port is being accessed
with one of the protocols mentioned, three folders are found. Background_A, Background_B and Fonts.
When a picture, with the .png format will be dropped into one of the background directories, the card
automatically will use the picture for the one of the backgrounds.
The SynView multiview system has also capabilities for displaying different fonts. Factory default, there
will be an axon which is used. For the user it is possible to put another font on the board, which will be
used as font for all text displayed.
The location of this font can be found on all cards of the multiview system. To access this, you need to
connect to the card with FTP or WebDav. When the IP address of the 1G port is being accessed with one
of the protocols mentioned, three folders are found. Background_A, Background_B and Fonts.
When a font, with the .ttf or .otf format will be dropped into the font directory, the card needs to be
restarted to use this.
On-Screen Closed Caption Decoding
This section explains how to configure the multiview system to display closed captioning on screen.
On-Screen Closed Caption Decoding is supported across all current SynView multiviewer products,
including the MGU100 - MGG100.
CEA-708 is supported (limited character set, without extensions), processing only the encapsulated
EIA-608 byte pairs.
Text is displayed in white on a black background, with limited formatting options.
Synapse MGU100 - MGG100 | 6. Use Cases and Advanced User Guide |