BIOS Setup (Applicable to ECS-1840
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12.4.3 ECS-1840 Basic Function Setting for UEFI
After starting SETUP program, the main interface of Aptio Setup Utility – Copyright (C)
2018 American Megatrends, Inc. will appear:
System Date
Choose this option and set the current date by < + > / < - >, which is displayed in
format of month/date/year. Reasonable range for each option is: Month (1-12), Date
(01-31), Year (Maximum to 2099), Week (Mon. ~ Sun.).
System Time
Choose this option and set the current time by < + > / < - >, which is displayed in
format of hour/minute/second. Reasonable range for each option is: Hour (00-23),
Minute (00-59), Second (00-59).