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2) How to Close Record Light
Go to record setting -> Record led -> select close(OFF), so when recording, the record light will not
light up or flash
3) Format Error
Format Error, this usually happens from 3 aspect:
A. During recording, directly push down the POWER BUTTON to OFF position, that will cause file
damage, we need to press STOP save the recordings firstly
B. The recordings time length is less than 5 seconds, like
second recordings file
C. Computer do not support the .wav file. The recordings were saved as .wav format. For WINDOWS
10 or MAC user may encounter with this issue. Don’t worry
You could download the free MplayerX / VLC Media Player to solve this issue
D. Try to Record at MP3 format, so it will be more widely supported by different computers
4) Disk Error
Due static shock, like over current charging, cut off its power when format device didn’t completed,
so it lost system firmware.
How to Rescue:
Keep its power button at OFF position, connect to windows computer, and format the recorder disk
again, things will be normal (for mac computer, contact customer support for tutorials)
5) How to connect to computer
Use the attached cable connect to your computer, or your android phone cable
If you failed connect it to your computer, you could contact us,
we will help
you solve it.
6) Can I delete recordings from computer
Yes, when the recorder was successfully connected to your computer, you should find it as an
removable drive names as “L157”, and all your recordings was saved in a folder names “RECORD” in
the drive.
You could delete file or copy file into it, same as your ordinary USB Flash Drive.
7) When Connect to computer, the buttons not work
When connected to computer, it will enter connection mode, the device screen will show the
“CONNECTION ICON” like the CHAPTER TWO, POINT 13 picture shows.