Rev 24.08.2022
Installation guidelines
Before proceeding with the installation it is mandatory to read the Safety requirements
section and make sure to comply with all listed instructions. Installation standards EN
60079-29-2 and EN 45544-4 are also recommended for further instructions and related
information about the installation. During the installation of the transmitter the following
points must be considered:
Application (the instrument is intended for air quality or leakage control.)
Properties of the space under investigation (room geometry, direction, and
velocity of airflows, etc.),
Methane and hydrogen are lighter than air and tend to rise. It is recommended to
place the transmitter higher than potential leakage/generation source or near the
Propane and butane are heavier than air and tend to sink. It is recommended to
place the sensor lower than potential leakage/generation source or near the floor.
The device should be accessible for maintenance/calibration.
The aforementioned conditions above will affect the coverage area of the device. However,
the coverage area for a transmitter is usually between 2.5 to 5 meters radius.
For early leakage detection, install the transmitter as close as possible to the potential
leakage sources (flanges, valves, pressure reducers, pumps, etc.), taking into consideration
other points listed above.
For general area monitoring without definite leakage sources, the transmitters should be
distributed evenly in the room.
For personal safety control, the transmitters are installed in the breathing zone (at the
height of the head of people or animals). The recommended sensor position is vertical,
pointing downwards.
For installing the IP65 device, attach the device to the wall using provided screws through
the key slots on both sides of the device.For installing the IP20 device, detach the base of
the enclosure by gently pulling along four guiding pins and attach the base to the wall with
two screws.