7880IPG-NAT Series
High Density Network Address Translator
Page - 20
Revision 2.1
Figure 4-3: WebEASY
- System Tab – Part 2
Data Port SFP Monitoring
For Ports 1 to 12
SFP Part Number:
This field displays the SFP part number detected.
SFP Type:
This field displays the part number detected for the SFP.
SFP Rx Power Level (dbm):
This field displays the receiving power level on the SFP.
SFP TX Power Level (dbm):
This field displays the transmitting power level for the SFP
Global Traffic Monitoring
Total WAN Ports Rx Bandwidth (Mbps):
This parameter displays the total received bandwidth for
all WAN Ethernet ports.
Total WAN Ports Tx Bandwidth (Mbps):
This parameter displays the total sent bandwidth for WAN
Ethernet ports.
Total LAN Ports Rx Bandwidth (Mbps):
This parameter displays the total received bandwidth for all
LAN Ethernet ports.