7814UDX-4K Series
HD/3G/UHD Up/Down/Cross Converters
Revision 1.2
Page - 31
Vertical Filter Cutoff Frequency:
It controls the Vertical filter bandwidth.
The optimal horizontal filter automatically selected to match the scaling and aspect ratio
conversion process being performed.
Levels 1….64
Selects the horizontal filter bandwidth such that each value 1 thru 64 corresponds to
the bandwidth of the input signal.
The 7814UDX-4K series conversion modules accept standard reference signals including bi-phase
(525i59 or 625i50) and tri-level sync signals (1080i59 or 1080i50). The user can select one of the frame
reference Genlock inputs or the reference DIN on the rear plate. If the reference input is invalid or not
present, the module can Fail-Over to either free run or lock to incoming video.
5-11 : WebEASY
- Reference Panel