Professional H.264 and MPEG-2 Decoder
Revision 1.0
Page - 33
IGMPv3 Mode:
This control allows the user to enable the use of the IGMPv3 mode.
IGMPv3 SSM Control <1-6>:
This control allows the user to set the IP addresses to be used while
forming the source filter for IGMPv3 communications.
Wait Switch Time after Loss of Primary Input:
This parameter controls the time to wait after
seeing a Primary input loss in seconds. After the timeout, the input will switch to backup.
Wait Switch Time after Loss of Backup Input:
This parameter controls the time to wait after seeing
a Backup input loss in seconds. After the timeout, the input will switch to primary.
Video Control
Video Delay:
This parameter allows the user to add a delay to the video to synchronize the audio
and the video stream. This can be done by sliding the video delay to the desired setting, to a
maximum of 50ms.
Figure 5-6: WebEASY
– Decoder Input Control Tab continued