3080UEP Series
Professional 3G/HD/SD Universal Contribution Encoding Platform
Revision 0.2
Page - 7
select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click the “properties” button again. Select the
button labelled “Use the following IP address” and click “ok”.
f. Verify that the computer is on the same control/management subnet as the encoder.
For example, if the UEP’s control/management IP address is, set the
PC to 192.168.77.xxx where xxx is user’s choice, and not 100.
g. Now check communication with the device. Select “Start” in the bottom left corner of the
computer screen. Then select “Run...” and in the space provided enter “cmd” followed
by clicking the “ok” button. In the command prompt type “ipconfig” and push the Enter
key. This will confirm the IP address has been set. Type “ping” followed by the IP
address of the UEP and press the Enter key again, if the IP address replies as below
then you are connected.
Figure 2-3: Command Prompt
Configure the encoder:
3080UEP can be managed over SNMP using Evertz Network Management System VLPro;
which also has its own http web management interface. All the controls are available in VLPro
are also avaliable on the http web interface. Both are covered below.
This chapter assumes that the VLPro server and VLPro client are already configured for your network
and you have basic knowledge of the VLPro interface. It also assumes that the user or network
administrator has already added the 3080UEP jar file; and both the client and server applications have
been restarted. If you are the network administrator refer to section 3.2 for information on updating the
VLPro Server Jar File.
Open VLPro and click on the refresh tree icon. Your 3080UEP should appear as a newly listed device.
It may take up to a minute to appear while the card and switch negotiate network settings (this can be
verified directly on the switch if necessary).
Please consult your network administrator if you continue to have problems connecting the card with
VLPro, alternatively contact Evertz Microsystems Ltd. or your authorized reseller for technical support.
Right click on the IP address of the 3080UEP and select “View Configuration”. The configuration page
will open; it is from these configuration tabs that the 3080UEP can be configured. Refer to the relevant
section of this manual for an explanation of the features and functions.