Dual Path Serial Digital to HDMI Converter
Page - 42
Revision 1.0
5.1.3. Part 3 – Uploading the New Firmware
1. Upload the “*.bin” file supplied using the X-Modem transfer protocol of your terminal program. If
the upload is not started within 10 minutes the 2432RX2-HDMI boot code will time out. The user
can restart the upgrade process by cycling the power to the unit.
2. The boot code will indicate whether the operation was successful upon completion of the upload.
3. For example:
4. The following is a list of possible reasons for a failed upload:
If the message “transfer cancelled by remote” is displayed the user must restart the terminal
program and load the bin file, then cycle power to the unit.
The supplied “*.bin” file is corrupt.
Wrong file specified to be uploaded.
The PC’s RS-232 communications port cannot handle a port speed of 115200.
Noise induced into the serial cable.
5.1.4. Part 4 – Completing the Upgrade
1. Type the word “boot”, without quotes, and hit the <ENTER> key once or power cycle the unit. The
unit should now reboot.
2. The user can now close the terminal program and disconnect the serial cable.