Everpure Softening Cartridge SO-204 Specification Sheet Download Page 1


A P P L I C A T I O N / S I Z I N G

I N S T A L L A T I O N   T I P S

O P E R A T I O N   T I P S

SO-204 Softening Cartridge

Softening Cartridge

SO-204 Softening Cartridge: DEV9105-45

SO-204 Softening Cartridge: DEV9105-45

20" large capacity softening cartridge for espresso

machines reduces scale-forming minerals like

calcium and magnesium

Reduces limescale build-up and corrosion in

boiler tanks, heating elements, impeller, steam

arm, etc.

Reduces downtime and maintenance costs whille

extending the life of expensive espresso


Drop-in design for use with SO-24 Softening


For dirty (turbid) water a sediment prefilter in

addition to a carbon filter is recommended

Install vertically so bowls hang down.

Allow 2-1/2” clearance below the cartridge for

easy cartridge replacement

Make sure o-ring on bowl is sufficiently


Always screw on bowls by hand; Do not use a

housing wrench.

Change cartridges on a regular 6 month

preventative maintenance program

Change cartridges when hardness of treated water

increases to more than 3 gpg

Service flow rate must not exceed 2.0 gpm

To determine cartridge life, divide total capacity

of cartidge by the hardness in grains per gallon

(gpg) or milligrams per liter (ppm), respectively

For commercial espresso, specialty coffee and ice

tea machines

4500 grains softening

Divide cartidge grain capacity by grains per gallon

in influent water to calculate total gallons product


