Abnormal start-up and
no any signs when
connecting the power
1. Control fuse is damaged
2. Power wire is loose contacting
1. Changing the control fuse
2. Checking the circuit
Voltmeter displays 0
when connecting
power (charger is
connecting the
1. Output fuse is damaged
2.Voltage feedback line is loose
1. changing the output fuse
2. checking the voltage feedback line
Fuse blowing
1.Output short out unexpectedly
2. Wiring with electrification
3.Power grid is in outage
4. Voltage of power grid is too low
1. Pay attention to avoid
2. Pay attention to avoid
3. Stop operating before power off
4. Improving the power grid
Cooling fun
Cooling fun in cabinet gathers much
dust and the fun has loud noise when
1. Cleaning the dust
2. Changing the fun
7. Maintenance
7.1 Routine inspection and regular inspection
Charger is a stationary machine mainly formed by semiconductor. In order to avoid the
influences of using condition, such as acid mist, temperature, humidity, dust, dirt and vibration
and other factors of aging and lifetime of the components, operator must has the routine
inspection and regular inspection.
Whether charging normally or not
Regulating the current
to charge and discharge
Whether the installing place suitable or not
Visual inspection
Whether cooling fun is normal or not
Whether the indicator light is normal or not
Whether the voltage and current display normal or not
Whether the equipment is misoperated or not
Visual inspection
Whether there is abnormal sound
Whether there are overheating and changing color
Always keep cleaning the ventilated place and
avoiding the dust
stacking, routine inspecting and changing cooling fun
Conductor and insulating material
Checking the high speed fuse
Whether wiring is damaged, changing color and
Visual inspection