Kapitel 8. Backup Maintenance
The structure of this chapter follows the sub menus of the main menu item Backup Maintenance.
Functions such as backup or restore settings, as well as shut down and reboot are handled here.
1. Backup
1.1. Restore point
A restore point saves the configuration of the device at the time of its generation. With this restore point, the
configuration of the device can be restored at a later point in time.
When generating the restore point you can include the measured data of the internal database by clicking the
checkbox 'include logged PLC data', in case you are using the data logger function of the Router. Please note that
this may take up to one hour, depending on the size of the database. Press generate in order to generate the restore
point. This takes approximately 30 seconds; a message window indicates that the restore point has been set.
An already existing restore point will be overwritten when a new one is created. If you upload a restore point into
the device, the point is saved but the configuration is not restored. This has to be triggered separately.
As soon as a restore point has been generated, the button download is activated. Press the button in order to load
previously set restore points on to your PC.
Select the file 'settings.bak.bin' via the button select file in order to load a restore point. The button upload appears
on the right-hand side of the field appears. Press upload in order to load the restore point.
The restore process is triggered by pressing the button restore. All data on the device is overwritten with data from
the restore point. Depending on the size of the restore point, this process may take a certain length of time. After
the successful restore process the device reboots and can be accessed via the stored IP.
1.2. Factory defaults
After pressing the reset button, the device is set back to default settings after a safety query.
The reset function can also be triggered via the reset button at the device.
After pressing the button, all LEDs start flashing for a few seconds.