Eurgle rcps61207 User Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for rcps61207

Page 1: ...Eurgle 2 4Ghz 9 Channel Digital Programmable LCD Radio Gear rcps61207...

Page 2: ...rast adjust 15 10 7 Timer 45 8 Tllellellco ter baslcfunc loilforseltl j 16 10 8 Flap Trim 46 8 I Reverse setting 16 10 9 Ai Diff 46 8 2 Throttle curve setting 17 lO lOEL l Flap 4 7 8 3 Pitch curve set...

Page 3: ...reading the instructions you are unciear of some of the procedures or functions and become stuck continue to read onanyway Often the function or procedure wi II go explained again later in a different...

Page 4: ...urs before each Dying session A low battery will soon die causing loss or control and a crash When you begin your Dying session reset your transmitter s built In timer and during the session pay atten...

Page 5: ...e powered or gasoline powered models the engine may unesp eeted1y turn on a nd cause a severe Injury Whileyou are getting ready to h y lfyou place your transmitter on the ground be sure that the wind...

Page 6: ...button UP The menu is chosen upwards DOWN The menu is chosen downwards Increase the value ofthe parameter Reduce the value of the parameter NOTE Press for short and long Press long Lasting button is...

Page 7: Next move the l ocking screw 8 up or down to lengthen or s hrotcn When the l ength feels comfortab le lock the pos ition by turni ng l ocking scr ew 8 counter clockwise AILERON You may adjust the t...

Page 8: ...tum Clfl tbe tran s nltter l nd receiver Ceater the tri s on tbe t ransr ittcr tb en find the ana that Ill be perpe Ddi cu1ar to the pushrod hml plaetd on the servo After l he servos 11re ins to I hd...

Page 9: ...provide enough power to operate the system thus causing a crash To erase any potential memory cycle the batteries by discharging then charging them with a commerc ial battery cycler or l eave t he sys...


Page 11: ...E RCPS61207 ro DISPI A 6 2 Mi lo menu NOTE Tho monu acls onco and BUZZER sands a sound If the parameter transfers after the maximum fn lhomenu contlnutng pressi IQ lho button BUZZER will not be pronou...

Page 12: ...ntur n las t eflu preu X IT kt for Jhon to not h ep and return lau enu RCPS61207 SYSTEM SETTI NG MODEL SELE This fun ct i on selects whic h of the 8 mode l memor i es in the t ran s mi tter to set up...

Page 13: ...turn Iott onu prus EXJT key ror hort t o not keep nnd Lrcurn to last cnu RCPS61207 SYSTEM SETTING NAME EDIT The M odel Name functio n i s used to inpu t and assign t he model s name to a spec i fi e m...

Page 14: ...1eron pitch and e Ie va tor servos I inked to swashplate Most kits are HELil type HEL I2 Pushrods pos i t ioned as shown Elevator operates with a mechanica1 1inkage With Aileron inputs the aileron an...

Page 15: ...e type of modeulation transmittec Press t he UP or DOWM key to select the MOOULAT screen Press the MENU key to save and return last menu Press the EXIT key to not keep and re turn last menu PPM Pu l s...

Page 16: ...rou IUiNU h1 ror shon t koep resu l t and re t urn last aeBu press EXIT key tor abort to not iu1cp and tre urn to lns t ao1 iu RCPS61207 MODEL COPY Cop i es the current mode l da ta i nto a nother mod...

Page 17: sehCLfld chnnno l Press lUlNUhJ for short to hop resu lt nd rot urn lou enu press F XIT key for shon to no t hop nnd t reurn to lost enu f I l i REVERSE The reverse switch function allows electron...

Page 18: ...table points per curve This funct ion al lows you to adust the t hrottle curve to opt i11izeeng ine rpa at a particular pitch selling Once the thronle curves are estab li shed each can be activted in...

Page 19: ...t keep end treurn to lest enu RCPS61207 HELICOPTER SUB TRIM The SUB TRill fu ncti on allows you to e lectronically adjust the centering of each servo Sub t ri m i s indi vi dually ad jus table for all...

Page 20: ...PS61207 HELICOPTER THRO HOLD The Throttle hold function is used to pract ice autorotation and is often use as a safety s witch for electri c he li copters olding t he throttle in the off posit ion Whe...

Page 21: ...t i ve pitch functions adjus ti ng or r ever s ing the mot i on of all ser vos invol ved in that function only when usi ng that func t ion Since thes e types ut ilize mul t i ple ser vos together to c...

Page 22: ...PTER TRIM The rcps61207 super has dig i tal tri m s whic a re different from conventional mechanica l t rim s lder s Each tri ml ever is actuall y a two di rection s wi t ch Each tim e t he t r im lev...

Page 23: ...rn l st aonu p i US EXIT li c J for short to not keep and t reurn to last aenu RCPS61207 f I j I FAIL SAF Se ts r esponses i n c ase of l oss o f s igna l or low rx ba t t e ry PCM mode on y Press t h...

Page 24: ...1207 1 I j I HOVElUNG PITCH Hovering pitc h are fine tuning adjustments for the co II ec ti ve pitch curves individually afec ting performance only around the cen er poin and only in the normal condit...

Page 25: ...g functions because the results of each stick lever knob switch input and delay c ircu i t may be immediately seen Servo cycle function to help locate servo prob lcns prior to in flight failures Press...

Page 26: ...rturn to lost acnu GYRO SENS A gyroscope is an e l ectronic unit t ha t senses motion and corrects for it For e xample if the wind bolws your heli copter s tail to t he left a gyro will sense that mot...

Page 27: ...l so small inputs of the taster channel ill produce nai l outputs of the slave channel Each programmable aix has a mixing offset The purpose of the mixing offset is to redefine tbe neutral position of...

Page 28: ...p and return l ast lS 2 QPROGkAM MWNG3 menu HELICOPTER STEPS Under the tAte of the ini tl o 1 pluure preu MENUkey forlons GCCCIS the J0 onu Pross UP OOIN ht uh t tho FUSC SETflNC en s ftnd oreas MfXU...

Page 29: ...ettd channel Preu KENUhJ for short to keep re ult and re t urn lolt enu preu EXIT keJ for short to no t keep and treurn to last onu I l REVERSE The reverse switch f unct i on allows e l ectron i c mea...

Page 30: ...ilots wi t b optional trainer cord connecting 2 t ransmitters The instructor has severa l levels of contro llability NORM When the trainer switch is ON the channel set to this mode can be controlled b...

Page 31: ...s hort to not keep and trourn to ta ll onu RCPS61207 AIRPLANE EIVO POINT The most flexible ver s i on of travel adjustment avai Iable It independent l y adjusts each end of each individual servo s tra...

Page 32: ...N The FLAPERON ixing function uses one servo on each of the two ailerons and uses thea for botb aileron and flap ruction For flap effect the ailerons raise lorer siaultaneouslr Of course ai Ieron func...

Page 33: ...IC ftU RCPS61207 AIRPLANE TRIM The rcps61207 super has digital trims which are different from conventional mechanical trim slders Each trim l ever is actually a two direction switch Each time the trim...

Page 34: ...i for parameter Press MENU key for short and see t hat r eads the output of the corresponding passway regard value read as the establishing value Press the l fENU key o save and return last menu Pres...

Page 35: ...with comp l icated mixing func t ions because the results of each stick lever knob switch i nput and delay circuit may be immediately seen Servo cycle function to help locat e servo prob lcns pdor to...

Page 36: ...on differential is primarily used on 3 or 4 servo wings with one servo s operating inboard flap S on C H 6 or CH5 I CH6 and AI L DIFF control ling pro per ail ero n ope rat ion of 2 ail ero n servos p...

Page 37: ...rise whenever the ELEVATOR STICK is moved It is most commonly used to make tighter py 1on turns or squarer corners in maneuvers In most cases the flaps droop are lowered when up elevator is commanded...

Page 38: ...popular for ground oodel use such as tanks which drive two motors together for forward and one motor forward one backward for turning Adj ustab i li ty Requ i res use of CHI and Ch2 Independent I y a...

Page 39: ...idle of inverted engine installations with a high tank position not needed for fuel injection engines which do th is automat ica II y Press the UP or DOWM key to select the THRNEEDL screen Press or ke...

Page 40: ...eep and return last menu Z1 2MIX 7 A I R P L A N E STEPS Under the tAte of tho ini t l o 1 pluure preu M ENU key forlons oeccu the o1o onu Pross UP O OINht uh t t ho FUSC SETflNC en s ftnd oreas M fXU...

Page 41: ...oth e I eva tor and rudder functions are combined for t he two tail surfaces Both el evator and rudder travel can be adjusted independently on each surface OTE If V TAJl is acti ve you cannto act ivat...

Page 42: ...XlT key tor short t o not keep and t reurn t o hst 11enu RCPS61207 AIRPLANE AUX CH Def ines t he r elati ons hip between t he t ransmi ner controls a nd the rece i ver out pu t for cha nne l s 5 9 Al...

Page 43: ...cted channet1 Pnu W NU kt Y for hor l to keep ruult tnd roturn l os t aonu press EX IT key for shor t to not keep end t r clolrtl to l st en o REVERSE The reverse switch function allows e l ectronic m...

Page 44: ...t lurn latt cnu pren EXIT key fo r shon to no t keep and treurn tO lAIIt acnu RCPS61207 GLID SUB TRIM The SUB TRill function allows you to electronically adjust the centering of each servo Sub tr im i...

Page 45: ...nd selected with a switch Dual rates and expos are available on the a ileron elevator and rudder channels Changing the dual rate value not onl y affects the maximum control author ity but a l so affec...

Page 46: 1 key for s hort and regulate the parameter when s howing for F S XXXS for parameter Press 1 IENU key for short and see that reads the output of the correspond ing pass ay r egard value read as the...

Page 47: ...e flaps to a specified posit ion via m ovement or a s i tch FLAP TRIW m ay also be used as the primary flap contro l in flight by doing so you can assign C H6 to a 3 position switch with a spoiler on...

Page 48: ...ELEVATOR STICK is moved It is most commonly used to make tighter py 1on turns or squarer corners i n maneuvers I n most cases the flaps droop are lowered when up elevaLor is commanded Press the UP or...

Page 49: ...ght using a number of different switches R efer to chart below Mix values are adjustable from 0 to 100 Each channel is identified by a four character naae i e A ileron A ILE Elevator ELEV etc The chan...

Page 50: ...een Prest liENU keJ for thon to keep result end return last enu pren EXIT ketJ for shon to not keep and trturn to last enu RCPS61207 GLID Ml X6 7 Mix purpose to accuse of form to get rid of little mis...

Page 51: ...e UP or DOWM key to se lect the S TARTOFS sc reen Press or key to change t he select vo l ue Press t he MENU key to save and return last menu Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menu OCOCJ5...

Page 52: ...xactly what commands the transmitter is sending to the servos This can be particularly handy in setting up models with complicated mixing functions because the results of each stick lever knob switch...

Page 53: of tbe tro ailerons and uses the for both aileron and flap ruction For flapeffect the ailerons raise lo er siaulleneously Of course aileron function aoving in opposite directions is also performed...

Page 54: ...rn las t aonu preu EXIT key for short to not keep and lrr u rn to hs t 11enu RCPS61207 GLID AUX CB Defines the relationship between t he transmi ttercontrols and the receiver output for cha nne l s 5...
